Chapter | 3

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Contest #2: Chapter 3

    The Great Hall was alight with the buzzing of ecstatic children, murmurings began to spread about the newcomers - what kind of people they would be receiving in each house. Helena wasn't particularly fond of anyone and had spent the entire train ride silent as the grave - watching the scenery roll past. 

    "In a few moments, you will be sorted into your new houses." McGonagall repeated as she maneuvered the first-years through the Hall, huddling them up against the stage to be judged by the hat. Helena had heard stories about this magical piece of clothing; however, she could force herself to be nervous. It was practically set in stone that she was going to be a Hufflepuff, as every Stotch before her.

    "When I call your name, you will get up on the stage and place the Sorting Hat on your head to be sorted," McGonagall explained while Helena looked around the room in slight awe. Her parents hadn't told her many stories about Hogwarts, only the ones about the Hufflepuff common rooms. The tales about the plants that grew in all shapes and sizes there and the wondrous smells that awaited her. 

    Helena watched the other students in mild curiosity, wondering where they would be placed and if any of them would be her future friends, even though she highly doubted it. She never had many friends. 

    Plucking up her courage, Helena's eyes landed on a short, pixie-like girl with lemon colored hair and startling eyes. "Hello," she stated, awkwardly glaring into the girl's eyes. 

    "'Ello," the small girl nodded, sticking out her hand, "The name's Dora - or Tonks- if you'd like. What's your name?" 

    "My name is Helena," Helena paused, realizing that it was probably the norm to give out a nickname, but she didn't have one, "Or... Elena. If you'd prefer,"

    Tonks smiled happily at this and nodded, eyes flickering around as she watched the other children get up on stage, one by one. "I like that name, Elena," she glowered, "Much better than Nymphadora."

    As if on queue, McGonagall call out the girl's name, making her glare up at the teacher and causing Helena to gasp in shock. As she grew angry, the small girl's hair changed from lemon yellow to a frightening red color, matching her emotions.

    Tonks rose a brow at Helena's reaction, then patting her hair with a small smirk."Oh, yea - I forget about that sometimes. I am a Metamorphmagus. I can change my hair color and other things at will -"

    McGonagall shot Tonks and Helena a sharp eye, glaring slightly. "Tonks, Nymphadora.She repeated, not liking the fact that the two young girls were ignoring her. Tonks glowered under her breath and trudged towards the stairs while her hair simmered down the color scale to a calm, light brown.

    Helena watched the curious girl for a small time as the hat debated, finally calling out the house that made Helena's heart soar, "HUFFLEPUFF!" 

    In the corner of the room, a few Slytherins cried out foul-play, making Helena curious about that situation, but nothing too substantial to care. Rocking back and forth on her toes, Helena accidentally smacked an averaged sized red-head, making him spare her a look of disdain. "Sorry," she blushed, ducking her head. 

    "Not a problem," The boy shrugged, turning back towards the stage. Helena sized the boy up, thinking he was rather tan, but then realizing that he was actually covered in freckles, and rather pale. The boy grinned a crooked-toothed smile and held out a hand for her to shake. "I'm Charlie Weasley."

    "Helena Stotch."

    McGonagall called her up then, and, as she did, she suddenly felt rather nervous. The hat was placed on her head, but before she could get too comfortable, it cried out: "HUFFLEPUFF!"

I failed... it's so short. I'm so sorry - I know this ends nothing, I wanted to do so much, but my week was so busy! I DESERVE NO POINTS DX

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