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"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself" -- Harvey Fierstein

Winter Holidays 1971

Andromeda Black

The dark moon loomed low on the horizon as it cast it's gloomy, pale yellow light across Andromeda's room, filling the space with an unwanted sense of darkness. She did not want this day, this very night, to be filled with a feeling of havoc, but with a light feeling of absolute bliss. 

Edward Tonks, with his fair hair and light, honeyed eyes -- the man that she loved with every fiber of her being -- had asked her to be his, eternally. "Marry me, Dromeda," he had practically pleaded, on his knees with the joke-shop ring in hand. "Marry me, and I'll be the happiest man in the world. And, I will make you a vow to try and make you the happiest woman."

Andromeda hugged her legs closer to herself, feeling the flesh of her arms pebble with a fresh bout of goosebumps. Her lips twitched as a tear streaked down her cheek. Almost as a reflex, her hand jutted out and swiped it away, removing any traces of sadness. 

"Yes," she remembered feeling so elated. So enthusiastic, she could hardly comprehend what it was that she was agreeing to. It had only hit her after Ted had slid the plastic ring over her finger.

 Oh how she wished she could take back that answer, to explain to Ted that there was no possible way she could marry him. Andromeda did not have the liberty of marrying whomever she wanted -- even if she loved Edward immensely.

There was a steady knock on her door, one that echoed throughout her room with a manner that silenced Dromeda's soft crying. "Dromeda," Cissy's light voice was barely above a whisper as she knocked once more, this time more determined. "We are leaving tomorrow. Mother wanted me to ask how your packing has come along," Narcissa paused. "May I come in?" 

Andromeda quickly wiped under her eyes, to remove any traces of lost tears, and rose from her bed. Walking across the hardwood floor, she paused at the full-length mirror attached to her wall and fixed a few stray, dark bangs that dared go askew. Red rimmed the whites of her eyes, causing little flecks of gold in her dark brown eyes to shine.

Blinking a few times, Andromeda found that it helped clear her irises -- if only a bit. 

"Andromeda?" Cissy knocked once more, after hearing no response from her sister. "Is everything alright?" 

Taking a deep breath, Andromeda put on her 'happy' face. It consisted of a blank stare and the same slightly sadistic curve to her lips that her older sister, Bellatrix, carried on her face as if it was the new black.

Silently, she pulled open her door, leaving her hand on the cold, metal handle as she watched Narcissa peering up at her with dark, wide eyes. Cissy tugged on a few strands of bleached hair, threading her fingers through the charcoal and white colors. 

"I see your hair has not changed," Andromeda's lips curved downwards. "I thought Mother demanded you to change it. I remember she distinctly said it looked 'as a skunks, and I refuse to have a daughter that dresses in that fashion'. You wouldn't defy Mother, would you Cissy?" 

A violent flush burst across Narcissa's cheeks as she pulled her hands away from her multicolored hair. "Mother changed her mind... We... We made an agreement." 

Andromeda was  immediately aware of the agreement of which Cissy was referring, and she quickly changed the subject, not wanting to dwell on the topic. "I have finished packing. You can take my luggage if you desire," she pointed towards her vanity where a beige case was leaning against the pearl legs. 

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