Xuichen (1)

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-EXO Minseok (Xiumin) and Jongdae (Chen)
-Jongdae likes hot chocolate, and the waiter at the new café


Minseok was at work, waiting for half an hour until his shift ends, so he can go home. He has been at the coffee shop since 6 in the morning and it is now 1:30 in the afternoon. He was used to working this shift, so it didn't bother him. The fact that he was having a semi-horrible day, was what was throwing him off.

Minseok works at a café, meaning he works wit all sorts of drinks. Today, he had spilled coffee grounds all over the floor, and gotten a couple orders wrong. He didn't know what was wrong, since he is never like that. He sighed, and continued to watch the clock to see when he could leave his shift with Yixing, his best friend and co-worker.


Jongdae was having a rough day. He had stepped in a puddle, making his sock wet. He had dropped his phone, making a hairline crack in the screen. He had also almost fallen in his face multiple times. Deciding he needed a break from taking photographs for the day, seeing as it was already 1:45, he walked around, trying to find somewhere to eat.

One of the best things about his day, was that he had managed to curl his hair, making it really puffy, and what his friend Junmyeon would call 'cute'. He smiled at the thought of his best friend, and walked past a café. He quickly decided that he could go for a hit chocolate, seeing as it was getting colder outside, and it is his favorite drink. Plus, it's good to have changes from where you usually go.

He walked into the café, and the strong sent of chocolate hit his nose, making another small smile creep onto his lips. He looked around for a second before his eyes stopped in the man behind the counter. Jongdae was shocked.

The man had fierce looking eyes, but the squishiest looking cheeks. The smile plastered on his face, from talking with a costumer, was the widest, and cutest smile he had ever seen. His jawline was perfectly structured to the point where it brought out his facial features a lot, and highlighted his face very well. Jongdae snapped out of his thoughts, and walked into the line of about 3 people. He looked at the menu, seeing hot chocolate as one of them. His mind somehow went back to thinking about the extremely handsome man.


Minseok had about 15 minutes left until Yoxing would get to the store. He smiled, and helped the lady that was in front of him. He heard the door open, but didn't turn his head away from the women, not wanting to be rude and impolite. He finished with the women, and realized that a couple people had actually entered the café. He smiled, liking the way the café felt with more people in it.

After a couple people passed, Minseok felt his heart beat quicken. He was met with a very beautiful set of brown eyes, covered by the fringe of brown, curly hair. There was a small smile on this man's face, and his slightly tanned cheeks had a tint of red in them. There was a camera around his neck, and his jawline was visible from the slightly tilted position his face was at. He was looking at the menu atop the walls behind Minseok. The older snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he was supposed to talk.

"Hi. Welcome to Namanana café. Can I ask what you would like?" Minseok asked, watching as the way the male's eyes shifted down to his own.

"Uh... yeah. I would like a hot chocolate." His voice sounded so smooth and calming to Minseok, but he nodded, and typed the order on the cash register.

"That will be $2.19." He said, causing the other to nod, and pull out his wallet, along with a couple dollars. He handed them to Minseok, who counted and handed him his change.

"You change is .81 cents. Please step to the side." The other nodded, and his eyes darted to the name tag on Minseok's chest. He moved aside, and watched behind him as someone started to make the upcoming orders. Since another one of Minseok's friends, Jongin, was working in the back of the shop, and there was no one else in the shop, Minseok decided that he would make the cute guys hot chocolate.

Once he finished making it, he walked over to the counter and handed him the drink.

"Thank you!" Jongdae said, smiling widely at Minseok. The older's heart pounded at that smile.

"No problem. Have a nice day." Minseok replied, smiling as well. Jongdae walked out of the café, leaving both boys to wonder who the other was.


Over the past couple weeks, Jongdae has been going to the café once or twice in the week. He couldn't get enough of the fantastic hot chocolate, or maybe it was the server. Today happened to be one of the days he would go to the café. Turns out, it was only a couple blocks from his house, and walking there was a great way to wake up in the morning. Then he would treat himself to hot chocolate, and a quick stare at the hot server as well.

When he actually got to the café this specific day, it seemed to be packed with people. The same chocolate smell came through, making Jongdae smile. He loved the smell of the café, especially because it was his knew favorite place to stop in before his own work, or just a day he could tell would be long.

He waited in the line of people, smiling as per usual. He spotted the specific server, who he had learned the name of, Minseok. The boy had dyed his hair black, from what Jongdae observed. He also was pushing the fringe out of his face, but a smile was still plastered on his face. He looked busy since the café was busy. He was calling out people's names and orders, probably because of how crowded it was. Jongdae realized he would have to say his name, and that Minseok didn't know his name. He shook his head, getting rid of the thoughts he had, and looked ahead of himself, realizing that he was next in line.

"Hi! What can I get you?" Minseok said, looking up from the cash register and instantly calming down at the sight of the boy, he still didn't know's name, he had seen for a while.

"I would like a hot chocolatez." Jongdae said, pulling out his card.

"Okay! That will be $2.19!" Minseok said, as Jongdae handed him his card. Jongdae stared at Minseok as he focused on the register. Handing the card back to Jongdae, Minseok grabbed a cup,

"Can I have a name?" He asked, and Jongdae nodded,

"Jongdae." Jongdae smiled, putting his card back in his pocket. Minseok wrote on the cup, and set it down along with the marker. There was no one else in line, so he went back to help another man with making the couple drinks that had piled up. Minseok made sure to be the one making Jongdae's hot chocolate.

As a Jongdae waited, he stepped to the side, and played on his phone, admiring Minseok from a further distance. The couple people before him had gotten their drinks, so Jongdae knew he was next.

"Jongdae." He heard, looking up completely from his phone. Minseok was setting the cup on the counter, smirking at Jongdae. The younger boy pushed some of his curly fringe out of his face, and grabbed the cup.

"Thank you." He said, smiling back and walking out of the café. He looked at the cup, seeing for correct spelling of his name. He smiled when he saw that his name was spelled correctly, but then got confused from what was under it.


Your really cute. Call me!


Jongdae was a little shocked, but smiled as he headed back home, where he would definitely call Minseok.


Words: 1365

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