Pain is everywhere

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"SARAH?"Tomy muttered.
There she laid in her room,laying as if she was playing dead." Sarah come on,it's date night"he said.Yet,she laid there,motionless and almost lifeless.

Tomy called the paramedics and they stabilised her.A few hours later,she landed up in life support. "Why....I I ..can't lose her...." Tomy muttered under his sobering voice.Zack showed up at 21:00 on Wednesday."It's a depressing day isn't it"Zack said with a cold stare."Why would you say so?"Tomy asked with a dry voice with controlling his tears."Wednesday stands for wetness day,and you're crying about Sarah... The world is a cruel place isn't it and if you lose her..."Zack said but was interrupted. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW, HUH.YOU NOTHING BUT A SPOILED BRAT AND A HEARTLESS,RUDE AND CRUEL PERSON!!!!HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOUR FIANCÉE WAS IN LIFE SUPPORT!" Tomy exclaimed while crying. "What would I know....You didn't lose your brother to drugs,or let your heart get ripped out by love that never even existed,you don't wake up every morning and sleep every night,staring at the ceiling for as long as possible...wondering if what you feel what you're suppose to feel..." Zack replied to Tomy's outburst."I didn't realise..."Tomy said in a discouraged tone."Of course you didn't,you were too busy living in a fantasy to see what happened in reality."Zack said and walked away towards the door and opened it."For what it's worth,I'm sorry....if I knew what was going to happen if I told her that you cheated on her, then I would kept my mouth shut..."Zack said while leaving the Ward.(he is willing to go to any lengths necessary just to prove a point)Tomy thought to himself and out of nowhere,Zack's words came back to him(All that awaits you is somber morrow)and that's when Tomy understood what Zack had told him.

"He actually is right,all that exists is emptiness,pain and suffering..." Tomy sobbed under his dry voice.

Later that week...

"Hey!wait up Zack!" Tomy shouted while running obviously.(Tomy
...)Zack thought to himself. "Man,you sure do walk fast,do you need to see someone special?" Tomy said trying to make Zack laugh."Why are you talking to me after what I did to you?"Zack said to kill the mood."It doesn't matter what you do,you still my brother..."Tomy replied with a smirk."Oh and Sarah is out of life support and she's in a coma for now. "Tomy added." How our fantasies traps us in a endless abyss..."Zack said in a cold tone.And Tomy responded, "Zack, Do you believe in love or what do you think love is." Zack stood in a odd stance and replied with a sinister smirk,"I don't believe in love...What is love,huh....Well,love is an illusion or fantasy that 2 people create together in order to escape their reality as they cannot cope with real life so they use each other to distract themselves from reality and its problems,therefore they don't love each other but just feel like they belong with each other because they distract each other.And when one of them leaves,the other feels broken because they lost the only person that could distract him/her.To is just an escape,and all that exists is lust and pleasures along with pain,suffering and emptiness... And that's what I think."

Tomy stood there as if he lost himself within a cave. "Well, bye then, I'll chat with you tomorrow.." Tomy told Zack and he replied, "Same to you, Tomy."

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