The most dangerous poison

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Zack woke up in the middle of the night,seeing Aerith laying there next to him so innocently and almost dreamy,but the storm outside constantly reminded him of the suffering Sarah must be going through. He stood up quietly trying not to wake up Aerith, then slowly he opened the door and walked all the way to the kitchen.The sound of the clock ticking drew his attention. '02:00'So late in the morning."Should I go check up on Sarah... No,I have to.She just lost her fiancée. ",Zack thought to himself.As he grabbed his motorcycle keys and headed for the door, Aerith woke up with a feeling of loneliness. Zack got on his bike and headed for sector 3 of Midgar."Almost there....", Zack told himself as he got closer to Sarah's home.(Zack arrived there in about 21 minutes). As Zack dismounted from his motorcycle, the worst sound struck his ear drums
Zack barged through the door, holding his breath.It was dark but the lighting flashes revealed the horrors if what Sarah had done.Sarah laid there,on the floor,laying in a pool of her own blood." SARAH! ",Zack erupted at the sight of Sarah remaining motionless and lifeless.He crouched on his knees near Sarah's body,pulling her cold body over his lap." Sarah... How could you...and why...",Zack whispered softly as he stared into Sarah's cold emerald eyes.Zack called the ambulance and they later declared Sarah dead.Zack got on his motorcycle and headed home..
Feeling like it was all his fault
(Zack arrived at home later...Aerith waiting for him in the living room close to the kitchen.)
Zack walked in almost as if he was lost and looking for something. " everything okay?",Aerith said with great concern." Sarah committed suicide because of losing Tomy.... You and my foster parents are all I have left in this world. ",Zack replied in a whimpering voice." I'm so sorry,Zack...",Aerith said trying to comfort him but knowing it mattered little to him...Zack fell to the ground instantly... Placing his knees in between his elbow ditches, sitting there...Zack began to cry as if he had nothing left to live for.Aerith approached him from behind and embraced him,placing her arms around his neck, holding him as tight as possible. "The pain of being alone is completely out of this world,isn't it....I don't know why but I understand how you're feeling so much that it actually hurts...", Aerith said to Zack in a sobbing tone of voice. She then continued," No matter who comes our way or what might happen, I will always love you and nothing and no-one can ever change the way I feel about you, Zack.You're my beginning and end,my heart and soul.You're the one my heart constantly yearns for and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."Zack was moved so much,it felt as if he was falling but he was stable. He then got up and picked Aerith up and said,"It's been a long day and I wanna go to sleep,laying next to you...",Zack said pulling his tears back,because the thought of losing Aerith was the most unbearable thought that he could conjure."I couldn't agree more ,Zack",Aerith replied with flustered cheeks and a tingling in her stomach. Zack carried Aerith all the way to his bedroom and placed her on the bed.He then laid next to her and as they fell asleep, Zack placed his right arm around Aerith's waist and pulled her closer...embracing her.They both fell asleep with feelings of belonging and undying love.

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