In the end

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Zack woke up with a smile.... If only he knew what was about to happen.

Zack got up,made breakfast and did what he did best:Over think."I don't wanna be in love with Aerith, but it's seems so unrealistic, as if I'm in a fantasy or dream and I don't know how to react to this....what should I tell her,she determined to change me and I don't want to change. At least by being heartless and cold...I'm protecting that which is easily hurt and heart,now I'm thinking about all the possible outcomes and scenarios.Why do I do this each morning, maybe because I wanna predict any pain before it hits me unexpectedly. I'm gonna make sure Aerith doesn't lay a hand on my heart and em....",Zack thought but got interrupted by the phone ringing constantly. "Hello?", Zack answered." Zack,hurry to Midgar hospital in sector 7,please hurry",Sarah said under distress and worry. "Wh....", Zack replied but got cut off when Sarah hung up.Zack without a second thought, jumped on his motorcycle and raced for the hospital. Within 15 minutes,he arrived at the hospital, he ran into the hospital under stress and worry.Sarah sat in the waiting area,in the most comfortable row against the wall of the emergency hallway. Sarah was crying.... Zack could see she was crying as there was a puddle between her spread out feet.He approach her but didn't know what to ask/say to her." Sarah, is everything alright... ",Zack asked trying his best to convey emotion even though he couldn't do it even if he tried." a....accident and.....he is .....on,"Sarah said in a sobbing stutter as she continue to cry.The shock that travelled through Zack was so unbearable that his body went numb from hearing this,he instantly fell to the ground,unable to stand up.He then reached for the closest chair and pull himself onto it."Which ward is he in?",Zack asked as politely as possible. "Intensive care,floor 25.", Sarah replied while clinching and squeezing her Neon yellow dress as she continued to cry." He'll be alright,Tomy is one of the toughest and most stubborn fools I know,in fact,his the only one I know. ",Zack replied trying to comfort Sarah.He walked into the elevator and hit the number 25 on the dashboard, on the wall close to the door of the elevator.Zack thought so many things as if it would make a difference. When he reached 25th floor, he went to Tomy's unit.Zack immediately saw the injuries and wounds on Tomy's body....he knew Tomy would never recover.Zack knew he should say his last words," Tomy...thank you for everything... You never gave up on me no matter how cold or heartless I was believed I was still the old believed in a fading no-one and never gave up on the idea that I could change....thank you so much....You don't have to hold on to life anymore, you've suffered enough... Let go.....I'll look after Sarah, I know she'll move on....I'll meet you there so keep a spot there for me,okay"Hearing this, Tomy let go of life and went to a higher plain....As the beeper hit the continuous monotone beep...Zack let out a cry of pain and sorrow....Zack had lost someone again.... And he wished he was a better friend to Tomy..... He regretted everything he ever said and did to Tomy.

3 days later

Zack for 3 whole days locked himself in his apartment, never ate,never slept. Zack was adopted by a rich family and as soon as he turned 15,he asked for his own apartment. They gave it to him, paid the rent and other essentials. Now back to Zack, he locked himself and so on....For those 3 days,Zack laid on his bed,staring at the ceiling, over thinking everything. Aerith came to see Zack,she had heard about the news and came to check up on him.Zack gave her a key to his apartment for emergencies or if she just need to see him.Aerith unlocked the door, finding Zack about to overdose on aspirin.She tackled Zack to the floor and he fell instantly and he was in a locks Aerith grabbed both his arms."Why would you do something so stupid!?",Aerith asked with anger."I don't wanna suffer anymore, Aerith. I want it all to end."Zack replied bursting into tears. "Suicide isn't the answer.I promise if you give me a chance....I promise to try and make the pain stop.", Aerith said with her heart in pain." You can't promise something like that...",Zack answered with a sobbing voice."Can I ask you something?, "Aerith asked." Like it matters anymore... ",Zack replied." What do you see in flowers? ",Aerith asked." I I guess..." Zack replied. "You don't look deep enough, Zack. You're blind. Flowers are like us...we sprout for new beginnings and we slowly fade with the pain of the world and therefore we adapt and sprout again to see if what we learned will affect our lives positively or negatively.... Don't you think?." Aerith stated her point of view with a smile and slowly let go of Zack's arms."I guess you're right,Aerith. Thank you....",Zack stood up walking to his bedroom while wiping his tears off,heading for his bed.Aerith followed him and laid with him in bed,laying in his arms feeling like she belonged there."I don't want to lose you too,Aerith. "Zack said." You won't have to,I'll never leave your side because I love you,I've loved you since the first day that I met you.",Aerith replied,with a sparked up face,her smile convincing and her eyes truthful.For the rest of that day,Aerith and Zack held onto each other and fell asleep in each others presence.Aerith smiled as Zack held strongly onto her waist and holding her close...

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