Now I know why...

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Zack woke up next to Aerith.Zack smile as he stared at her for a while.Not long afterwards,then she woke up.Aerith smiled flusteredly."Stop it!",Aerith said embarrassed."Stop what?",Zack said with a smile."Stop staring and smiling at me,you giving me butterflies", Aerith said trying to seem upset."If that is how it is, I'll just continue then,"Zack said with that smile that gave Aerith butterflies."Why you doing this to me?,"Aerith asked."Ummm...Because I love you,"Zack said maintaining that smile of his."But you're smiling at me like it's the last time you're seeing me,"Aerith replied sadly."We might walk out that door and never see one another again.....So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you,"Zack said with a romantic smirk.That being said, Aerith regained her flustered smile."So you believe in love now?,"Aerith asked."No,I don't believe in love...,"Zack said in that sad convincing tone and there was a pause."I believe in true love,"Zack then continued saying with his smirk.This response gave Aerith indescribable emotions."What would you do to this world if you had to lose me?,"Aerith asked brightly."I would do everything in my power to destroy this world,"Zack responded."Why?"Aerith asked curiously."Because this world would have taken my world away from me,the love of my life,"Zack said with a smile.Aerith felt like she had a flock of birds in her stomach,she felt a flood of emotions and began to cry.She thought of losing Zack and it was a painful thought."Don't ever leave me,"Aerith said sobbing."I promise I will never leave you....never,"Zack said."Don't make promises you can't keep,"Aerith said while crying even more.Zack pulled her closer and embraced her."Any promise I make to you will be kept, because I can't resist your tears and that is why I would do anything for you,"Zack said embracing her even tighter."I hope you can live up to your words, Zack."Aerith said sadly, looking away from Zack eyes."Remember.... anything for you,my love."Zack replied with that smirk again."You really do love me, don't you?"Aerith asked regaining her amazing smile."With all my heart.I'd love you to infinity and beyond,now and forever."Zack said, holding her even tighter than before."You're hopeless."Aerith said in a playful manner."Hopelessly in love."Zack replied without a second thought and smiled as he said it.Zack also had a glint in his eyes as he looked at Aerith, straight in the eyes.There was a moment of silence.Few minutes later,there was a change in mood and the perfect moment was created, almost similar to a dream.Zack leaned in for a kiss and Aerith rushed into it.....
"If everything is a dream.... don't wake me up."Zack said after the kiss between them."You talk too much..."Aerith said and kissed Zack again...but a proper kiss this time."If it were a dream,it wouldn't feel so real now would it, Zack."Aerith said seductively."True....and don't say it like that."Do what?"Aerith said in a innocent manner."Don't speak so seductively, you're arousing me."Zack said with his cheeks as red as cherries."Well, maybe that's what I want."She continued saying in a seductive way,she then also placed her one leg over him and was currently leaning over Zack."I think we should go eat some breakfast, you gotta go to the flower shop in an hour.Those flowers aren't gonna water themselves."Zack said trying to kill the mood."You sure know how to ruin a moment."Aerith said in a hopeless tone."I'll prepare breakfast for us while you talk a shower."Aerith said with a devious smile."Ok....see you in a bit."Zack replied and rolled out of bed.He then began doing squats as Aerith left the room.Aerith went to the kitchen and switched the kettle on and got some eggs,the cracked them open in a bowl.She then heard Zack climb into the shower and heard him turn on the water.She giggled childishly and ran to the toilet.And then she flushed it."AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"Zack screamed in agony from being burnt by the hot water.
(A few minutes later)
Aerith giggled so much it actually hurt her abdomen.She heard Zack climbed out if the shower,she could sense he was a bit upset but she continued laughing.He walked in shirtless but he was carrying the shirt,"You love hearing and seeing me in pain, don't you?"Zack said,pulling his shirt over his head.Aerith giggled,"No... I'm just getting sweet revenge since you ruined that bbeauutiffull moment and turned me off...."Zack tried to control himself and the flames in his belly."But did you really have to burn me,like let's be honest, you were a bit extreme."Zack said."You sound like a baby,and yes I will go to any lengths to get what I want,but you know that already."Aerith replied so smoothly." I still think you were a bit extreme."Zack said with a cherry fluster on his face." and your baby face... I'll make it up to you...I promise."Aerith responded to Zack's expression, his face just got her and it was almost irresistible.Zack walked over to the couch and sat down."How?"Zack asked with a curious face,but with that curious baby kind of face."You'll see..."Aerith replied in that smooth tone of voice."You must be on your period...I can see you can't control your hormones or emotions for that matter."Zack said with a smirk on his face."Uggghhh!"Aerith exclaimed, grabbing the wooden spoon from the oats she made for Zack,and she threw it towards him.Zack dove for cover behind the couch."See what I mean,"Zack said peeping over the couch smiling.Aerith then threw a few pots and cutlery.Zack stayed behind the couch where he thought it was safe....but then again he thought so.Zack slowly peeped over the couch and noticed Aerith disappeared,but where to.He didn't hear the back or front door open nor did he hear any footsteps."Aerith....where are you?,"Zack slowly shouted softly, trying not to get hurt, because he knew if he made her angry,he was gonna get it."Aeeeeriiithhhh...",Zack slowly shouted again.Out of nowhere Aerith jumped out and unleashed her knowledge of mixed martial arts."Aerith!!!... I'm sorry!!!....Woah!!!", Zack told Aerith while constantly dodging her attacks."Sorry won't get you out of this on,'lovey'..."Aerith said while trying to roundhouse kick Zack.To Aerith surprise,Zack ducked and swept her off her feet and as she fell to the ground,he quickly went under her to cushion her fall.Aerith feel on top of Zack and he embraced her tightly, hoping she'd calm down."Why didn't you let me talk to the ground?"Aerith asked in a shocked manner."You know why..."Zack replied to Aerith's question."You're an idiot."Aerith told Zack."But at least I'm your idiot, Aerith..."Zack said with that naive smile that he usually had on his face.They laid there,on the cold floor, front to back, Aerith on top and Zack at the bottom.These fights and other useless or childish moments meant more to them than the value of diamonds and gold.As they laid there,They both had a feeling of peace in their hearts and bee's in their bellies.Aerith loved the feeling she got when being in Zack's arms and even being close to him,it was like all her hopes and dreams came true....She loved this fantasy that she would create of being with Zack til she died, having 2 kids with Zack,and them being one happy family.Aerith thought,"I now know why all the girls constantly fantasize their futures...but I already got mine...this feeling of wanting to be nowhere else but near him and with him,tells me that I found my future..."Aerith gained a smile that could never disappear.She found what she wanted and she didn't want to let it go.She promised herself there and then that nothing will separate Zack and her, and no-one.(They laid there for quite some time and when Aerith looked at her wrist watch,she baby kissed Zack on the lips and ran out.She was gonna be late for work.)"Well now,I'm lonely again..."Zack said as he got up and sat on the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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