The Desired (Camille Moreno)

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As I sat in the far corner of the saloon trying to take in my surroundings, I analyzed all of the possible "clients". There was an older gentleman whom I've see many times over the years. Scraggly gray hair partially hidden beneath his worn cowboy hat, a pitcher of beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Never really one for the "rules of the ladies"; likes to be the drunk with the wandering hands but that's as far as you'll get him to go. Then there's the younger crowd, like Joshua. His jet black hair and piercing ice blue eyes have the effect on every girl here to fight for their chance to be with him; though he's never chosen any of them.

Though I never would admit this out loud, I wish it was me that he would choose. But sadly that is only a dream, for I am at the peaking age of me youth in this business. At twenty four going on twenty five not many men find you as appealing as they once did. Well, when it came to this profession.

But I digress; as I scoped out the room I noticed the deviously handsome man Cherry was talking to. I could tell from her body language that she was not enjoying herself. Just as I was about to get up and see if her "friend" would be interested in my company over walked one of the regulars of the Saloon, Harold. Quite tall and a blonde helped him with the ladies; it also didn't hurt that he's blessed when it comes to the bedroom.

I quickly adjust my corset so my breasts looked a little larger, a quick brush through my long, lush black curls and I was ready... Ready to have him walk right past me and over to Lydia... Of course, one of the youngest of my co-workers; what does a girl have to do to get some "attention" around here?! Deciding to call it a night, I made my way to the stairs. Before I made it there I heard a warm rumble of a voice call out my name.

"Camille." I was shocked to find out who it was that had called out after me; Joshua. A little stunned by this fact it took me a few seconds to respond.

"Hi Joshua, is there something I can get you?"

"Hi Camille, I was just wondering if you would join me?" He gestured to the seat next to him, where a glass of my favorite spiced whiskey sat.

Surprised by this gesture I decided why pass up this opportunity and took the seat next to him. A warm smiled spread across his face when I looked over at him.

"I ordered you a drink, I hope you don't mind."

"No I don't mind, thank you it's actually my favorite."

"Oh really, I was hoping you would like it." I nodded as I took a sip; the strong burn of the whiskey was made subtle by the spice added to it.

I felt the warmth of the alcohol starting in the base of my stomach. It felt nice, exactly what I had needed. Seeing the smile beginning to spread on my face Joshua smiled as well which caused my face to heat up with a blush. Clearing his throat, Joshua looked at me and said,

"So I guess you're wondering why I asked you to join me."

"A little, only because you never choose anyone to have for company that is."

"Well I was hoping you could change that for me, I've been watching you for awhile and I see the way men just brush you off, it's not right."

"I've gotten used to it; I am getting up there in age after all... They don't really find me as appealing as the younger girls." My head dropped a little as I said this; I hated to admit it but I was getting old in the eyes of my clients. I don't know why I was telling this to him, but I just felt comfortable talking to him about anything.

Just as I took another long sip on my whiskey, Ivy was making her way passed our table to the staircase. Her face looked less warm than usual, almost like someone had taken the life right out of her. I kept my eyes on her as she walked passed, worry rising inside of me. Good thing too because just as she passed me I don't know if she caught her foot on something or just dropped but she was face first on the ground.

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