Chapter 7

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"Chaewon go get him some water. Ill talk to him." Chayeon's mom said and Chaewon nods

"Im sorry I didn't tell you earlier. You and my daughter just looked so happy together." she says and starts playing with her fingers..

"I just didn't know what do to tell you or say to you because I know how much you two cared for each other, and how much you guys put into the relationship you two had. I didn't think this day would come seeing my baby sick and weak.." she started breaking down crying. I patted her back..

"So are you saying chaeyeon is badly sick?" I ask her and she nods her head..

"They don't know what she has but day by day it was getting worse, so the doctor gave us all these types of medications to give to her.. but one day they stopped working.." She says

"How long has this been going on for?" I asked

"Its been going on for a year." She say..

A year.. so Chaeyeon's been hiding her sickness from me.. why? Was she scared I was going to leave her?

"So she's in there getting surgery?" I said and stood up walking back and forth..

"The doctors say they will try a way to stop her sickness, they don't know if its cancer but she was showing signs." She says, Chaewon comes and hands me a cup of water and I drink it..

We waited there for hours, I got text messages from my friends asking if im okay. I kept tapping my feet hoping that everything would be okay. I didn't get to say anything to chaeyeon..

After 6 hours of waiting, the doctor came out.. I was trying to see his facial expressions..

"Mrs. Kim." The doctor says and Mrs. Kim stood up. I was holding my breathe and was very nervous..

"Im sorry but your daughter Kim Chaeyeon didn't make it." He said and all I heard we sobs, and cries, and screams. I looked over to Chaewon who seemed to be crying rivers, and Mrs. Kim who was crying. I didn't know how to react.. should I cry?? What should I do.. none of my emotions came out..


For the past few days I couldn't eat, sleep, or do anything.

Mark pov

After hearing the shocking news of Chaeyeon, we didn't know how to comfort Haechan.. Should we tell him everything going to be okay? We didn't know what to do besides let him cry.

"Haechan.. open up and eat. Your parents are worried." I said.. all 17 of us were at his house.

He opened the door, he smelled, and his hair was a mess. We all walked inside his bedroom and we actually fit.

"Haechan im sorry." We all said and he just stared at the window. We knew how much Chaeyeon meant to him and we felt bad for trying to make Haechan get over her when it wasn't our place to do..

"Group hug." Taeyong says and we all went up to haechan and hugged him, we probably squished him but its okay he needs the love.

"Your squishing me." He laughs

"Oh! HAECHAN IS LAUGHING!" Lucas says and starts prancing around like a dork. We then all started prancing around and Haechan started to smile. 

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