4) your thoughts, dear sir

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Itachi didn't think Miho heard his decisive observation that she had awakened her kekkei genkai, for the girl fell unconscious right after he finished his sentence. He caught her effortlessly, his dark eyes narrowing as he glanced between her still figure and the record book in his hand. He sighed, shifting her weight so that she was leaning against him as he pocketed the book; it seemed that he really wouldn't have time to track down Hatori. Miho was in critical condition; with the constant loss of blood and chakra, she would be reduced to nothing rather soon.

Unfortunately, Hatori's chakra appeared right outside the doors. Itachi pursed his lips, lifting Miho up so that her body was settled against his, and he exited the room.

"Hatori-san," he greeted, looking at the older shinobi. "You're late."

"Sorry," said Hatori. "I got held up—did you get the information?"

"Not yet…" lied Itachi. "…You got here quicker than I thought."

"The ninjas who chased me down were small fry," Hatori explained. "It was not hard to knock them out and come here. I apologize for not helping you out, but you looked fine on your own. The girl, on the other hand…"

"It was Akira," said Itachi, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Hatori.

"Ah, I thought so…he knocked himself out when we entered, and the moment he fell, I was surrounded…"

"I see," said Itachi slowly. "Good to see that you're fine…"

Itachi clearly saw Hatori move, but he'd underestimated his speed. The traitor brushed instantly by Itachi, aiming for his back, but Itachi whirled around and slammed his leg out, catching Hatori in the waist. The older shinobi gave a grunt as he skidded to a stop, clutching his stomach.

"You don't really think I'd believe you, right?" said Itachi. "I'm afraid that from the start of this mission, the only person on this platoon that I trusted was Chiaki-san; why else do you think I let Akira and you lead? It wasn't safe to let you watch my back…"

"As expected of the Uchiha prodigy," said Hatori through gritted teeth. "Don't think you'll get out of here alive though; you're hampered by the wounded girl and the mask is covering your face, preventing your use of genjutsu. I'm more than enough for you!"

Itachi gave another sigh, lazily dodging a kunai thrown at him. He sensed Hatori above him and moved slightly to the left, letting the assailant come crashing down through the air, hitting nothing. Again, Itachi kicked out, this time hitting Hatori square in the face effortlessly.

"Even at a disadvantage," said Itachi, somewhat bored, "I still win."

"Cocky bastard," snapped Hatori, placing his hands together. "I'll be the last one standing."

Itachi activated his Sharingan, catching sight of the jutsu that Hatori was using.

Katon! Goukakyuu no Jutsu!

"Seriously?" said Itachi wearily, dodging the pillar of fire easily. "As if you could use my own jutsu against me…the Uchiha learn that one at age five…"

"Shut up!" snarled Hatori.

Miho stirred in Itachi's arms, forcing him to lose a bit of concentration and check up on her. Perspiration lined her face and she was beginning to shake; she needed to see a doctor, and quickly.

"Don't underestimate me!" said Hatori furiously, throwing an entire stash of kunai Itachi's way.

The Uchiha prodigy once again jumped up, but this time, it was a mistake. Hatori found him mid-air and plunged a kunai into Itachi's shoulder; Itachi gritted his teeth, pain jolting up his right side. He snapped his leg out and kicked Hatori hard in the chest, then landed perfectly on the ground. Not waiting for Hatori to regain his breath, Itachi indecorously dropped Miho to the ground for a moment before racing forward, his kunai outstretched. In a split second exchange, Itachi sank his kunai straight into Hatori's heart, feeling the thick, viscous blood pour over his hands.

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