10) close the eyes

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He was trying to think of the right way to say it. No introduction? Perhaps that would be better.

He kept delaying it. They remained in silence as Itachi used Miho's hands to massage his head. Only a few seconds passed before Miho began the massage herself, rubbing his temples in a circular fashion to assuage the growing tension. This encouraging action comforted him.


The door burst open and the two of them visibly jumped. Itachi stood up and pushed Miho back instinctively as his Sharingan activated to analyze the intruder.

"Itachi-kun," said Hiroki after a few seconds of surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I…" said Itachi, for once faltering at his lack of explanation.

Miho stepped in.

"He just came to see Sasuke," she said. "Sasuke went home, and we ended up…chatting."

Hiroki looked skeptical. "Chatting?"


Hiroki didn't look convinced, but he did not press the subject. Instead, he turned to Itachi, his cold eyes clearly indicating that Itachi was not welcome, and beckoned for him to leave.

"Itachi-kun, I would like to speak with you about a few matters," said Hiroki sternly.

"We…" interjected Miho, "we were talking. Do you mind if we get a few more minutes?"

Hiroki arched an eyebrow. "Certainly."

Miho frowned. "Privately, Otou-san."

"What would be so important between you two that I can't hear?"

"It's nothing," said Itachi quietly, once again finding his voice. "I just came by…to thank Miho for helping me that day in the hospital. That was all."

Miho turned to him indignantly, sensing that Itachi was no longer going to reveal what he had intentionally planned. Before she could voice her opinion, however, Itachi was already at the exit.

"Itachi!" she said angrily.

"He was simply thanking you," said Hiroki. "I have a few matters to discuss with Itachi-kun, but I'll be back momentarily, Miho, and we can talk about your day at the hospital then."

"No, he was going to tell me something else before you came," said Miho furiously.

"What else would he have to say?" said her father, his voice growing with warning that was directed towards Itachi.

"Nothing," said Itachi calmly. "I just came to express my gratitude. Thank you, Miho. Have a good day."

Her gray eyes flashed but she held her tongue; the silence, however, only made the glaring eyes that bore into the back of Itachi's head ever more prominent as he left.

Itachi and Hiroki walked wordlessly for about a block or so before suddenly, Hiroki grabbed Itachi by the collar and dragged him swiftly into an alleyway, slamming him against the wall none too decorously.

"What were you about to tell her?" said Hiroki in a deadly tone.

"N-nothing," said Itachi, taken back by Hiroki's forcefulness.

"Don't lie," Hiroki said, his voice lined with latent fury. "If you care even the slightest for Miho, don't you dare tell her anything that you're doing for the Uchiha. Why do you think I've been keeping her away from the clan? Why do you think I've been hiding her from your father? Are you a fool, Itachi?"


"If you tell her anything, you will jeopardize her life! You will undo any protection I have orchestrated around her! Do not pretend, Itachi, that you have not been slipping up lately. Everyone can tell that you've changed – everyone knows that this job is proving to be too much for you—"

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