21) safe and silent sound

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She wasn't sure where Itachi disappeared for the few days following that incident. She had to admit she was glad. It gave her time to think and to bring her intense hatred under control. Or perhaps it was a mixture of hatred and fright. She couldn't be sure.

He was gone for a full week after the incident, during which Miho could only ignore the gaping presence in her life. Her—dare she admit it—excitement for a week's worth, perhaps even more, of time alone with Itachi had been sapped away and replaced by a dull ache of resentment. She could only be relieved that he was not around to bear the brunt of her simmering loathing. She tried, many times, to convince herself that what Itachi had done was for her own good.

She could not.

And so Miho had carried on with her life normally—as normally as insomnia would allow her to, for the nightmares she had ensured that she did not sleep for more than two hours per night. It disrupted her chakra control slightly and made her immune system weaker, but she did not have much of a choice. Insomnia was one of those symptoms for which shenever had a proper cure.

Itachi returned late at night, when Miho was closing the clinic and preparing to return to the apartment. She turned around, putting peroxide in the cabinet, and there he was. She had to be surprised that he could sneak up on her, but she was in poor condition and truthfully, anyone could've come barging in to the clinic, raging to kill her, and she would've welcomed the distraction. But no, it was only Itachi, quiet and contrite. They spent several seconds merely looking at each other, before Itachi finally broke the silence.

"You look terrible," he said. He had noticed the bags under her eyes, her increasingly waxy complexion, and perhaps the potentially noticeable weight loss, just when she'd recently re-entered a normal weight range for her height.

Miho did not answer. She tucked the clean linen sheets over the nearest bed and headed for the exit, intending to ignore him completely, but he caught her wrist as she passed. She snapped it out of his hand immediately, eyes flashing in warning; he understood and gave her several feet of space.

"I know you are angry," he said. "You have every right to be. But we need to talk."

"About what, exactly?" she said frostily. "If I don't want to listen, will you use force?"

Itachi had no answer. Miho scoffed and continued on her way out. Itachi followed her silently, trudging through the snow all the way to her home. Once they were in the confines of the house, though, he spoke again.

"Miho. We need to talk."

"Where have you been?" she said coolly.

"I found Kisame and we spoke with the Leader."

She turned around to face him as Itachi removed his snow-laden shoes and hung his cloak near the front door.

"…About what?"


She grew suspicious. "For what?"

"For you to return to Konoha."

Miho stared. "What?"

"I have bargained…and the result is…within limits, you may return to Konoha."

"What?" she repeated, stunned at this revelation.

Itachi mistook her shock for reluctance. "Surely you want to?"

She did not miss the hope in his voice, that perhaps he would be wrong. She felt something odd in her, knowing that he wanted her to remain, but it was dull in comparison to the anger and disbelief that were still fresh.

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