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"Thanks for coming to get her," said Itachi with a nod to Hiroki as he picked up Miho's still figure. "I would've taken her home myself, but I'm not feeling all that well still."

"It's no problem," said Hiroki, "but why in the world did you knock her out?"

"She refused to rest, and I am under the impression that she needs to clearly be in bed," he answered. "Her chakra is extremely hypersensitive to the slightest provocations."

"She's always been melodramatic," muttered Hiroki, shifting Miho's weight in his arms. "Did you mention anything about her Ishachi? Did she notice?"

"She noticed," admitted Itachi, "and I told her the truth."


"There is no need to hide that fact from her," said Itachi coolly. "Activation of a kekkei genkai should be celebrated, not feared. Chiaki-san will learn to embrace it—if she's so afraid of dying, there are many ways to avoid utilizing her life force whilst still honing her ability. Forgive me if I sound intrusive, but Hiroki-sensei, you should honestly be supporting her, not degrading her. She's confused—she'll need your guidance."

Hiroki pursed his lips at Itachi's boldness.

"I respect you immensely, Itachi-kun, but Miho is my daughter. I hold the highest amount of influence over her."

"Which is why I ask you to support her," said Itachi plainly. "She keeps things that trouble her to herself too much—it'd be good for her to let it out, at least."

"If she needs to vent, perhaps you can deal with it," said Hiroki. "However, I will remain adamant in my initial standing—she will use her Ishachi as little as possible as I find a way to reverse it."


"If you wish to be her support, Itachi-kun, then I can't say anything against that, but do not expect me to act against my beliefs."

"…Very well…" said Itachi reluctantly.

"I must ask of you a favor—seeing as Miho is still not in the best condition, would it be possible if she remains at your home once you're discharged? I am joining your father on his mission in a few days."

"I'm sure my mother would be fine with that." Miho, thought Itachi silently, would not be.

"Thanks then," said Hiroki with a nod, heading for the door. "Rest easy, Itachi-kun."

"Will do."

As the door shut with a click, Itachi leaned back against his pillows and sighed, resting his head on one hand. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, relishing the silence and lack of people in the room. No nurses, no Hiroki, and no Miho. That girl seemed to just take up all the empty space in the room…

Now that he thought about it, Itachi actually would've preferred if Miho wouldn't stay over at his house. Her presence disturbed him. Threw him off track. When she was gone, he could at least think clearly, and he realized that he was not all that rational around her…the kisses, the questions, the touches, they were all…socially incorrect. Personally incorrect.

Clan-rules incorrect.

Clan members intermarried. The strongest married the strongest to preserve the bloodline. And while Miho was strong to some extent, she was not the strongest. And she was not an Uchiha.

…Why was Itachi thinking about marriage? Ridiculous. He was fourteen. Mature for a fourteen year old, but still much too young to marry. Much too young to be in a relationship. Or, at least be serious about one.

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