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Jungkook groaned and headed to the kitchen, ten minutes had passed since the older called him down for dinner and he didn't nag at the younger again. Jungkook wouldn't admit it, but he wanted the older to nag at him...to give him attention.

Jungkook stopped walking when he suddenly heard talking in the kitchen, different voices mixing over each other.

"Come on! Tell us your name!" Someone begged.

He slowly walked towards the voices and the angels' eyes widened when he saw the human.

"Who are they?" He asked as he saw five other men with him. They all surrounded the angel as he sat on the table. Jungkook felt intimidated but didn't let that show, they were a bit too close to the angel.

"Don't worry, they were about to leave." He glared at them but they weren't planning on leaving anytime soon. The angel noticed the determination in their eyes and sighed.

"Why don't you introduce us pretty boy?" Namjoon smirked and the angel cringed at the nickname.

"Fine, there's no helping it since you'll probably be breaking in a lot. These are my friends: Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, and Kim Taehyung."

"Cool, so they're angels too?" Jungkook asked curiously and the others turned towards the angel shock.

"He knows that I'm an angel." He answered their stares and scoffed. "You think they're angels? They are nothing close to an angel. These are demons."

Jungkook's eyes widened in fear and this time his fear was evident on his face. "Then what are you doing near them?! Won't they hurt you?!"

"They won't do that, trust me. Even if they did, I can take them all." He boasted and Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Anyways, you should all go. We were about to have dinner before you rudely interrupted us." The angel pushed the five demons to the small living room where Hoseok stomped his feet, stopping the angel.

"We aren't busy, are you?" Taehyung asked and glared at Jungkook.

"I'm not. I'm sure you are all busy, isn't Lucifer calling for you? Don't you have to go make some people miserable?" The angel sassed and smirked.

The group always teased each other, fully knowing that it isn't to be taken seriously. Sadly, it's hard to tell when the angel is joking or when he is serious. Which is of course a problem, and it may create friction in the group.

"At least he meets with us and we aren't just blindly following someone we've never met." Namjoon spat and Yoongi glared at him.

The five demons knew how the angel felt about his boss. They all knew that he started to doubt His ways but tried to reassure himself that he was following the good side. He tried to convince himself that he had a purpose. They all knew that the angel started to doubt his faithfulness towards Him.

Namjoon regretted the words that tumbled out his mouth and tried to start to apologize but was a second too late.

Jungkook felt the room tense. He looked over at the angel who wasn't radiating happiness, peace, and love. Jungkook felt lost, was he missing something? Has the angel ever met God? No, the demon must be lying.

"Get out." The angel let out lowly and took in heavy breaths, trying to calm himself because he can't get angry. Anger shouldn't be a feeling he should feel. Right?

"He didn't mean it-" Jimin spoke softly before the door flung open, startling everyone except the angel.

"I want all of you to get out before I do something I'll regret later." Everyone in the room felt it. They all felt a chill and the hairs behind their neck stand up. "Another word from any of you and I will snap, so get out." His voice came out a bit less scary and more caring, but was terrifying nonetheless.

The demons took the hint and walked out, the human in the room didn't know what to do. Was he supposed to walk out too? He decided to stay with the angel and when the demons were finally all outside, the door slammed behind them, courtesy of the angel.

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