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The six demons walked into that room again, for the last time. They looked around, snooping around, going through Seokjin's things.

"I found something." Namjoon pulled out a black box from the tallest bookshelf and everyone knew something important was in that box, why would he keep it stashed away somewhere that high?

They went to the kitchen, placed the box on the middle of the table and sat around it. They wanted to leave it closed, scared that Seokjin would be furious at them but oh how they would love that. How they would love for him to jump out of nowhere and say how he set all this up to see if they would go through his stuff, but they knew that wouldn't happen. It's been months since he was gone and they knew that he was gone for good. They also wanted to open in. They wanted to soak in more of this Seokjin. They wanted to feel him one more time.

And that's what they did. Yoongi lifted the lid and they looked at the contents in the box: two sheets of paper, a black ring, a necklace, a red diamond, a black rose that was cut at the peduncle, and a polaroid camera. No one moved for a while, they stared at the box, waiting for it to do something. Jimin slowly emptied the contents of the box onto the table.

Jungkook took a sheet and read it aloud:

"These days I find it harder to live. So, I feel like it's time for me to leave this world.

I'm sorry mother, father, and brother.

If I end it all right now in an instant, will anyone feel different?
I won't be leaving a mark behind, I didn't make a difference in Earth so no one should be affected too much.

Again, I'm sorry.
-Prince K.SJ"

They were all taken aback.

Is that what his human form did? Did the beautiful angel become one because he committed suicide?

"He was a prince?" Namjoon asked in disbelief.

"Explains a lot." Jimin chuckled.

They had heard enough and didn't want to read the last note. There were many things he could've written on that last note...and they didn't want to find out what it was.

They felt as if they read that last note, he would disappear. There won't be anything left on the Earth that is truly Seokjin's.

Yoongi shakily picked up the last note and unfolded it.

"I'm sorry I had to go. I really want all of you to take care. I truly loved you all, I always will.

Do me a big favor and take care of yourselves.

I packed all the things you gave me, or that I took away, because I knew you would go through my things.

Please take them back, use them to remember our good times together.

I hope we meet again.

(p.s.- if you don't know yet, my full name is Kim Seokjin...don't forget it)"

What hurt them all the most was that Seokjin knew he would be leaving them but didn't say anything. It pissed them off beyond belief, but they'll forgive him.

A tear fell on the sheet of paper and Yoongi noticed it was his. He looked up and did something the others never saw him do before, he smiled.

"Seokjin truly is a beautiful name." He said softly.

having unlimited power; able to do anything

having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

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