Chapter 3

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I was woken up early that morning by the same man as last time.

"Come," Was all he said before turning and walking out the door and headed down the hall. Barley giving me enough time to get up and catch up with him.

Soon I was standing in front of the same woman as before

"I sent one of my jounins to deliver your scroll for Konoha," She stated never looking up from the paperwork she was signing.

"Uh, aragoto," I said scratching the back of my neck.

She sighed " There is something that I guess I should tell you since Ahmya has taken quite a liking to you,"

And as if it was on cue the said little girl came running into the office.

"SHISUI!" she yelled before tugging on his pants leg for him to pick her up, So I did and let her play with my hair and headband.

"Three years ago I traveled to Konoha. I was meeting with the Hokage to discuss an alliance and trade deals...During my days there I met a man named Masato Uchiha," My eyes widened as she said the name of my father.

"Meeting him I thought it was love at first sight...He deceived me with his words and actions. At the time I did not know that he had a family. After I had found out he lied to me I left Konoha with hatred. I refused to have anything else to do with Konoha. Mainly because of my guilt that I had fallen for someone outside of my clan. My hatred for the Uchihas carried on until I found out that I was pregnant. Even though I hated that man I could not help but thank him because he blessed me with Ahmya,"

I stared at her with my jaw dropped open.

"S-so you're saying that she's my sister? That's she's an Uchiha?" I asked taking a step closer to Riko who nodded with a small smile.

I looked down at Ahmya who had now slipped my headband off and was trying to wrap it around her head.

" I guess that's why she kind of looks like me," I muttered

" Does my father and clan know about her?" I questioned

"No, and I plan on keeping it that way. When Ahmya becomes older she will then take over as head of the clan and run the village. I don't need the Uchiha clan interfering and causing problems for her," Riko replied sternly.

"How will I be able to see her then. I-i can't just leave and never see her again. She's the only family I have," I said holding onto Ahmya a little tighter.

"The only family you have? What happened to your father?" She questioned crossing her arms.

"He remarried to a woman with her own kids. She didn't want me apart of their new family," I scoffed out.

"Hn sounds just like him... Listen I will send a scroll with you for your Hokage to resume trading with them, and only you will be requested. That way you will be able to come back without your clan becoming suspicious of you," Riko said calmly.

"How will I be able to find the village again when I looked out past the gates it was nothing but darkness," I questioned making her laugh

"This is Shiryoku, The village hidden by sight. You were granted access to this village the day Ahmya was born. The key to seeing the village is by being connected to someone that's apart of the clan or receiving permission from the head. Only you will be able to see the path to the village no one else from your village will be able to make it here," Riko said laughing softly.

"Woah," was all I could let out as she stood

"Come. Ahmya and I will see you out. I'm sure you were supposed to have been back to Konoha by now,"

She said walking to the door

I placed Ahmya on the ground and as soon as I did she took off.

We around the village a little so I could see where some things were before we came to a stop at the late white gates.

"See you soon shisui-nii," Ahmya said hugging my knees

"Ah, I'll make sure to come back soon," I said to her grinning.

"Be safe Shisui," Riko said calmly while handing him the scroll for the Hokage.

"I will,"




"Hm, so you've managed to complete your mission and get the Shiryoku village to begin trading with us once again. I'm impressed Shisui, how did you do it?" Hiruzen asked reading the scroll that had been delivered to him.

"Uhh, I found the clan heads daughter she had ran away from her sensei and no one could find her,"

"Hmm interesting...Well since you are the only one they are allowing in their village I will let you know when I have some missions for you.. your dismissed," Hiruzen said leaning back in his chair.

"Hai," I said before turning and exiting the room.


"What to do, What to do," I muttered kicking a few rocks as I walked through the Uchiha compound.

"Shisui-kun!" A sold voice called out to me making me look up

"Aunt-Mikoto, I can carry those bags for you," I said taking the brown bags out of her arms

"Thank you, what's wrong Shisui you look troubled," she said looking at me as we walked up to her home.

"Oh, I was just looking for something to do. Training ended early today," I said removing my shoes before I walked into the house.

"Training already? Didn't you just get back from a mission?" Mikoto asked taking the bags from me and started to put things away.

"Yes, but it was a simple mission so I figured I could get some extra training in," I said

"Would you like to stay for dinner? I'm sure Itachi would like to see you, he was just asking Fugaku where you were,"

"Ah aragoto" I said 

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