Chapter 4

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"Harry all these movie you have are boring. We already watched all of them."

Just as I was about to reply, the doorbell rang.

"Sorry Niall have to go open the door. Just keep looking, i'm pretty that there has to be at least movie there that we haven't watched yet," I said as I was walked towards the door.

I got to the door and opened it. It was Liam and Zayn.

"Oh hey guys come on in. Your just in time."

"Oh really?," Liam said sarcastically. "I thought we were late because someone ( coughs ) not calling out any names (coughs )Zayn took forever.

"Hey," Zayn said giving Liam a little push. "Stop lying. Play it cool."

Zayn turned to face me. "We brought a friend over," he said cheerfully." Just as he said that both Liam and Zayn stepped aside. There behind them was Louis. I smiled. He gave out a shy smile. "Hey Harry."

"Wait you both know each other." Liam was confused. "When did this happen?" He scratched his head.

"Last week. Remember that day when it was raining and then I tol-" Liam cut me off.

"Oh yeah, yeah I remember that day. Ha sorry, I never really payed attention to why you left. Wow this is such a small world."

We stood there awkwardly, just looking at each other.I stared at Louis. Looking at him gave me butterflies.

"Harry aren't you going to invite us inside?" Liam asked.

"What? Oh yeah sorry, come on in."

I stepped aside and let them through.

"Hi guys," Niall said looking up as he sat down in the living room with a stack of movies.

"Hey Niall," Liam and Zayn said.

"Who's this?," Niall asked as he spotted Louis. "Hi, sorry," Louis said emberresed by the situation. "I'm Louis."

Niall smiled. "Oh hi Louis. I'm glad you're here. You'll love our group, and your just the perfect fit to it."

Louis: Thanks. I guess.

Niall went back to what he was doing. He looked like he was concentrating deeply with his thoughts. Looking for the right movie. After a couple seconds of silence there was a loud noise from him. "You know what I give up. Why don't we just go watch one in the Cinemas. I heard about this really good horror movie that just came out." He looked up and stared at me.

Zayn laughed. "You discovered Harry's collection of all his movies that we've watched."

"I'm down to go to the movies," Liam said.

"Yeah that sounds like a plan. I turned to Louis. "How about you Louis?"

"Yeah that sounds like fun."

"Movie night it is."


"Hi," um can I please have five tickets to "The Devil in Halloween,"

The nice lady in the box smiled and handed me my tickets as I payed. I gave her my thanks. We walked in.

"C'mom Louis," I said as I opened the door. He looked scared for some reason.

As we walked inside the theater was decorated with Halloween props.

"Hey guys lets go get some snacks," Zayn said. We walked to the snack section and bought 3 buckets of popcorn and five sodas. Once that was done we walked into the theater room.

I sat next to Louis. "You ok babe?" The poor little thing was trembling.

"Babe?," Liam said as he turned to my direction. "You called Louis babe?" I ignored his comment. I myself didn't catch myself saying that to him until Liam pointed it out. I was emberresed.

Louis kept moving his leg up and down. I placed my hand on his thigh. "What's wrong."

"It's just that I don't like scary movies." He had a worried expression on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me? We could have watched something else?"

"I didn't want to seem like the chicken here. I thought I was going to be able to escape my fear but I guess I can't. He sighed. I'm such a wimp the movie hasn't even started and I'm already scared.

This broke my heart. Him talking negative about himself. I huddled him into a hug.

"We don't have to watch it. "C'mom," I said pulling his hand lets get out of here."

"But what about the other boys?" He was nervous

"Don't worry about it, I'll just make up a story for them right now. They'll believe it." He nodded.

I got up and told the other boys we were going to the bathroom. They didn't seem to feel my presence when I told them. "Yeah ok," Niall said stuffing popcorn into his mouth as the trailers played. He looked really concentrated looking at the screen. As well as the other boys.

We waked out of the room and into the theater hall. I had a plan. I walked him with me into another room and sneaked in to watch a movie which didn't contain any horror. We quickly sat in the closest section, not wanting to get caught by a security. When we sat down the movie was already playing. From what it seemed, it was a comedy movie starting Adam Sandler. Once in a while he would do something funny that would get the few people in the room start laughing. I would turn to Louis and he would be laughing as well. I smiled. I turned back to the screen and watched the movie as well. Damn this movie was really interesting.

Then he did something that was uncalled for. He leaned his head in my shoulder and rested his head.

"Is it ok if I do this," he said as he looked up to me. He had the cutest face. I just wanted to squeeze him and hug him and never let him go.

I smiled down at him. "Of course. I don't mind."

He got himself cozy in my shoulder and before I knew it he was sound asleep. I don't even know how he did that with all the laughter coming from about those eight people in the room. He looked so peaceful, so young.


"Louis," I said whispering to him, "the movie is over I think we should leave and wait in the lobby before the other boys start looking for us."

"Hmmm," said a sleepy louis and he slowly woke up rubbing his eyes. "Oh yes okay." He sounded so cute with his sleepy voice. We waited for a few minutes before he was fully awake to walk out.

We arrived to the lobby and the boys were no were to be seen yet. I guess the movie was not over yet. We sat in some chairs that were leaning against the wall and waited. About ten minutes later I could here them form all across the room as they approached our way. Damn those boys were pretty loud, taking about the scariest parts of the film. I even heard Niall saying how he almost pissed his pants.

"Hi guys!," Zayn said as he spotted us both.

"Are you guys ready to go," I said to them.

While we were driving back to my apartment, we ended up driving to a diner instead, since some of us we proclaiming we were hungry. When we arrived a waitress who looked to be around her early 60's came to sit us down. She had brown hair and was wearing her uniform dress which was light pink with a white apron, and some white sneakers. She had a nice friendly smile. "Anything to drink boys?"

"Uh yes can I please have some coffee." She nodded and wrote it down on her notebook. She turend to the others.

They all ordered coffee aswell, excluding Louis. He ordered his tea.

She nodded. "I'll come back to take your food orderes once I come back with the drinks." With that she turend away and walked away.


A/N Thanks for reading chapter 4. Hope you liked it . Chapter 5 will be done really soon. Hopefully I can do it this week. Please vote, and comment of what you thought of this chapter. :) x

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