Chapter 2

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It was Saturday. I woke up that morning still thinking about Louis. Which trust me, I know is a bit creepy.

The instant I woke up, I thought about calling him and asking him if I could still help him unpack. ( In reality I just wanted to find an excuse to see him )

I grabbed my phone, making up my mind. I stood for a while, contemplating on calling him, just looking at his caller ID.

I hesitated once more, before making up my mind.

I didn't want to seem too eager to see him, but I couldn't resist it. I also didn't want him to think I was clingy. After pacing back and fourth in my bedroom for what seemed like hours, I finally gave in. I decided on texting him instead of calling him, knowing my voice would betray me.

Me: Hey! I was wondering if you would still like me to help you, with unpacking? If not, it's okay :)

While I waited for his reply, I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a bowl of cereal. Minutes later I heard my phone vibrate, grabbing it immediately. I unlocked it, going straight to Louis' message. I was nervous, but excited for his response.

Louis: Of course! I'm on the North West side of the building. Room 217. Thanks again, will help a lot :)

I let out a sigh of relief and smiled at my phone. I must've looked pretty stupid doing that.

Me: No problem, the pleasure is mine ;) See you in 10 min.

I hope the winky face wasn't too much, I thought. Just a friendly gesture, right? It's just a text. I grabbed my empty bowl, and placed it in the sink.

Louis: Okay :)

After I was ready, I got my keys and headed out my flat. You see I didn't live in the campus dorms. I felt it was already a lot of money paying for my studies. That's why I had my own apartment; good distance from the university and decent rent.

When I got to the campus, I walked around until I found the building and room he was in. I knocked a couple of times, before he answered and opened up.

"Hey Harry," Louis said, "Sorry I was just taking a shower." He was standing at the door with just a towel around his waist; showing his well toned muscles.

"I-I'm the one that should be sorry." I stuttered, looking down to the floor. I couldn't look him in the eye, or even at him, being like that. I could feel my cheeks turning rosy pink. "Intruding while you were busy."

"Just come in while I go change," he said, he really didn't seem to mind. "You can sit down on the bed." He left laughing and smiling to get dressed.

While I waited for him to come back, I looked around his room. From my observations the room looked cramped, the beds being about 5 steps away from each other. Also looked like he was sharing it with a roommate. I walked around and looked through Louis' boxes, seeing what I was managing with.

He had clothes, and other stuff in his boxes. I looked around some more. ThenI came across a picture of Louis in his teenage years, smiling brightly. Next to him was a boy. The boy seemed to be very close with Louis, by the look of how he was holding him. I stared at the picture for a while, thinking.

Louis walked in happily to the room, until he saw what I possessed in my hands. His smile quickly faded away. It seemed like the room became cold all of a sudden. Gray.

"Who's this?" I asked, trying to make it look like I didn't care.

He stood frozen for a while. Not knowing what to do. He was panicking.

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