Chapter 5

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The food here was really good. I ordered pancakes because you know who doesn't love to eat pancakes at eleven at night.

While we ate our food, Louis and Niall were talking. From what I saw, Louis was telling some jokes because Niall would burst out laughing. On the other side, Liam, was telling Zayn and myself about how he had this big exam coming up, and how hard it was going to be according to some friends who had previously taken it, and had failed, no matter how hard they had studied. He was saying how he had been studying for the last three days and it was already becoming a stress. He just wanted to get through the test and just prayed he would pass. I on the other hand started talking about the upcoming Halloween party to Liam after he was done talking. Zayn joined Niall's and Louis' conversation.

"Are you going to the Halloween party?"

"Yes I am. All of our gang is going." He winked "I heard you're going so that's going to be interesting. I'm really glad you're coming Harry."

"Yeah thanks so am I."

"Hey um Liam are going going to dress up?" I was asking this because I wanted to know. I was still in the middle weather I should or not.

"Yes sir," he said. "Though I'm still thinking about what I'll dress up as. You know we should go out tommorow together so you can help me pick one one. I'll need your opinion. Meet me at 10 in that Halloween costume store."

"Yes sure will do," I said smiling to Liam.

"Harry are you dressing up?"

"I'm still debating whether I should or not."

"Well when we go to the Halloween Bargain store, you can look for one. Innit?"

"Innit," I said with a smile.


When we arrived back to my apartment, Niall, Zayn, and Liam said there thanks and left. Louis was the only one left "Thanks Harry, I had a great time hanging out with you guys. I guess I'll be heading back."

"Why don't you stay over for the night. Why head back to that small crampy dorm that's 15 minutes away when you can stay here for the night in this bigger place." It sounded as if I was advertising on TV.

"I don't want to bother you."

"No you're not bothering me. I'll at least have some company. It gets really lonely here.

"Thanks Harry, that really sweet of you to let me stay over but I d-."

"Please," I said giving him puppy eyes, "for me?"

He stood there thinking for a while.

"Fine," he said chuckling, "but only because of those puppy eyes."

"Yay," I said halting him into a hug.

You know what you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep here in the couch," I said as I pulled apart for the hug.

"It's okay I'll sleep in the couch."

"No you're my guest so your sleeping in my bed."

We had this argument for a few minutes until I finally convinced Louis to sleep in my bed.

"Thanks again Harry," Louis said as we walked into my room. "You know you guys are the first real friends I've had. I've never actually been accepted before."

"What do you mean Louis," I said as I sat on my bed with him.

"Well I've never had friends actually, ever since I started preschool. I was always considered different. I don't know why but I was."

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