Chapter 3

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It had been one week since I'd meet Louis. I Meet him on October 13 at 6:47p.m. Yes, I knew the time and date.

I was walking to my next class with my mate Zayn. "So Harry do you have any plans this year for Halloween." Zayn was one of my best friends. He was mistaken as a dickhead, and bad guy just for his appearance. He was covered in tattoos, all which were really sick. He was really humble and down to earth. The world just judged him from the outside and did not acknowledged the inside.

"Naw just going to chill in my apartment and do nothing."

"Yes of course like always. Harry why don't you do something productive this year for once. You really need to go out one day and have fun.

"I do have fun."

"Harry staying home and reading all day while looking at pictures of kittens, and looking at gay porn is not fun.

I turned and gave him a glare.

"Well for me it is. It's what makes me happy."

"Ok man I'm just stating the truth."

"You know when was the last time you actually dated someone. Your soul mate is probably waiting for you out there somewhere. ( He was trying to make me feel sorry for myself ) Alone waiting for his prince to rescue him one day sigh. Don't let him wait out too long. A villain will come and destroy him and leave you with nothing but your other half missing forever.

"Your deep, but I will know when the time is right. I'll know when I find my soul mate. I won't find him randomly one day when I finally give in to go out and party. Like ohh look at me I'm going to a party and find my Prince Charming. No. No Zayn. Stop." I said nodding me head and looking him with my straight face. "No."

We both walked into class and sat in the back together. The professor was not in sight yet, so Zayn started talking again.

I put my head down in the desk not wanting him to mock me for always doing nothing when it came to holidays or parties.

"Harry," Zayn said with a singing tone.

"Hmm," I said not wanting to pay attention to what he had to say.

"Guess what?"

"What do you want Malik. You want to make fun of me don't you," I said as my words came out unaudioable.

"Gosh I was just going to say that on Halloween some friends invited me to this party and I invited the boy you're always talking about. What's his name again? Oh yeah Lewis, I think that's his name. But whatever that's not my point here. I Just wanted to state if you wanted to come to the party with me sheesh. Do something productive with your life. You're young loosen up a bit."

My head shot up. "Wait," I said with a long pause, "what did you say?"

"Oh, wow, now you want to know .Now that I'm digging in my backpack for my materials for class. You're so weird sometimes."

"C'mon tell me," I said as I tugged his shirt making him turn away from his backpack and looking straight at me.

"Okay I don't usually repeat myself twice, because I don't think there's reason for me to waste my beautiful voice but since I love you," he said patting my shoulder, "I'll tell you again.

"Do you want to come to a Halloween party with me on the 31st?" He said it slow as if I was just a child barley learning my first words.

"No, say it completely like, detailed."

He thought for a while before he finally got the idea of what I meant. He smiled.

"Ahh ok, ok I get you" He went back searching through his backpack again.

"Heyyy "

"Oh hey Harry," he said looking back up and waving.

"Didn't you just hear what I said," I asked annoyed.

"I'm glad your finally interested about a party. This is huge news. This will be trending all over Twitter. 'Harry is finally interested in a party' He chuckled at his own joke.

I looked at him with a stern face.

"Hahah ok, ok don't get angry there now buddy like a Spanish bull. I'll tell you for reals now.

"Ok good."

I just said that I invited your friend Lewis to this Halloween party some friends invited me to and I was just wondering if you'd care to tag along with me and Lewis. I'm pretty sure Niall and Liam are coming as well by the way."

"First of all its not pronounced Lewis, it's Louis and second of all I think I'll think about it."

"Okay great, he said patting me in the shoulder again. "Im glad you'll consider some time to think about it. I'm impressed. Your a new man Styles."

I gave him a fake smile. "Yeah yeah whatever."

I took out my notebook and pen, as we sat there waiting for class to begin. The professor walked in a couple of minutes later, and class began. The professor began to talk and we started taking notes.

Two hours later, class finished and we packed our things to leave.

"See you later Harry," Zayn said as he put his backpack over his shoulder, "I have one class to go. English."

"Yeah ok see you later. The boys and I are going to chill later in my apartment. Just letting you know."

"Yeah thanks I'll be there"

We both walked out the class and went our own directions.

Lucky for me I only had one class today. I went to the parking lot and went to my car. As I put the key in the keyhole and unlocked the doors , I heard a yelling from the distance.

"HARRY! Wait up," a boy said panting hard. "Wait for me!"

I turned and spotted Niall.

"What's wrong Niall. He came up jogging and stopped.

"Can I come with you?"

"Yeah of course, anyways today's our hangout day remember?"

He smiled "Duh that's why I asked you to wait for me."

"Yeah ha sorry Niall. Hope in buddy."

"Ok thanks." He walked to the other side of the car and hoped into the passenger seat.

I opened my door and got inside.


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