Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chelsea's Point Of View

"What did you guys do for the last 6 months?" I asks, grabbing my drink from the table. I stood up and grab my file. 

"Well, I have good news." Diana says, "Noah proposed!" Diana squeals. I drop the glass from my hand. 

Diana smiles widely, everyone was in shock. "Erm, we did nothing." Alex replies to my question. I quickly cleaned up the glass.

"Nothing?" I raise my eyebrows and sat back down with them. "Okay now, The Savages, The Afterlifes, who's next?" I asks. 

"Afterlifes? Savages? What did I missed?" Harry asks, sipping on his orange juice. "Afterlifes, are the ones who loves to seek revenge who killed them with no reason at all." I explained. 

"Well, who did you killed?" Brandon asks, "I was gone for 6 months." I reminded him. "Alex?" Oliver points his fingers at Alex. 

"Hey!" Alex frowns, "whatever. But Afterlifes are enemies with Savages, we have no feud with Afterlifes so we're safe. But I don't know why they have to damage my whole entire apartment." I say. 

"Why did they take?" Louis asks. 

"Nothing, everything was there." I replied, "how's Bailey?" I asks him. "Still in coma." He replies. 

 >> Next Day >> 

"Wow, the opponents are fierce." I stated, leaning back down on the chair. The whistle blow, and the boys rush to the side. "Can't wait for Chelsea to get back in the game," Gabe says. 

The scoreboard was 23 to 28, we are the losing team. "Don't worry buddy, it's just a trail. Next week, we're going to crush them." I say, patting Gabe's back. 

"Man, they are tall." I look over at the opponents, "now it's time for the kiss cam!" 

"Oh boy," Gabe sits beside me. "They still have the kiss cams?" Erwin chuckles, "oh look the old couple." I smile at the screen. "aw that's cute." Layla smiles. 

Then Layla and Eugene appear on screen, "oh boy." Layla's smile faded and look at Eugene. "No, no, no." Layla say to the crowd. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" We all started cheering with the crowd. 

"I hate you guys." Layla says, Eugene kiss her on the lips fast. Everyone cheered, and then I look back on the screen. "Oh look.. We're on the kiss cam." Erwin says, awkwardly. 

Gabe let out a laugh and drink his water. Erwin lean in and kiss me on the cheek, "boo!" Alex shouted in our ears. 

"Fuck you." I say to him, "come on, lips!" Brandon says. 

"I hate you." I say to Erwin, "oh i feel the same way, idiot." He snaps at me. He place his soft lips on my lips, and it felt diferent. 

That's all I can say. 

It just felt right, I guess. He pulls away, and the camera went away to the other side. 

This just got awkward, again. 


"How ya feeling?" I approach Jeremy, "great.. I guess." He mutters. "It's nice to see you," he mess up my hair. 

"Look, I got your car back from the mechanic, thank me later. I am going to get Bailey from the hospital," I say to him and pass him his keys. 

"Oh yeah, by the way, the head of the companies said it will be the start of the games tomorrow after Cheryl's funeral. But tomorrow the games will not be counted in your score." He says, "okay, thanks." I nodded slightly. 

"And after you fetch Bailey, you have to rush to the ball room again. There's this competition with The Savages." 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" 


"Hi, I am here to pick up Bailey Collins." I say to the nurse who is behind the counter, "I am sorry but she is already out. She was brought out by someone who look somehow like you but with blue hair and brown eyes." 

Melaine Collins. 


Lea's Point Of View

"Kids! Please!" Kayla exclaims, the play room is a mess. We don't know where Chelsea is, Bailey haven't come home yet and Cheryl is usually the one who fix all these. 

"Hey, I heard the 5sos are coming back today." Layla says, "good, they better hurry because I can't deal with these kids!" Kayla let out a frustrated cry. 

"Hey, what's going on?" Louis asks, then Angela run into him causing Louis' hot tea to pour on his shirt. Louis let out a scream, "hot tea! Hot tea!" 

"Louis!" Layla grabs his arm and went out to the bathroom, "someone call Chelsea!" I shouted. "She didn't bring her phone." Erwin says, walking past. 

"Okay kids! Let's get ready to head out!" Brandon says, oh yeah the competition. "I think I swallowed some glitter.." Rue says, with glitter on her hair. "Hey, cool hair." Niall says, "Niall!" 


Chelsea's Point Of View

"Bailey!" I kick the glass that can't be broken. I took out a gadget that explodes after 3 seconds. I place it on the glass, I turn my back and my wings spreaded. 

It exploded but the glass didn't break, not even a single crack on it. 

The smoke eventually went away, I look back in the room. Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael are inside with Bailey. 

"Fuck." I kick the glass, then Calum pointed to the back. I turn around, immediately regretting not bringing any weapons out. "Hi," Brittany faked a smile at me. 

I duck her punch and kick her legs, "let go of them." I say to her. "Eddie now!" Brittany shouted, she grabs my arms and pin me against the glass. 

I look at Bailey who is being tortured, I clench my fists and hit the back of her leg. I heard a bone cracked, "open the door before the worst begin." I say, pulling her hair. She let out a laugh and she slowly faded away. 

I punch the glass, causing my knuckles to be red quickly. The glass then have a slight crack at the side, I kick the glass and it shattered. 

Lea's Point Of View

"Where the hell is Chelsea and Bailey?" Brandon asks worriedly, "the 4 dweebs is suppose to be here." Layla says, "we're going to do fine." I say, chuckling nervously. 

"Okay, Savages and Skulls get in the middle. The subject is Rock and Roll music!" Alexis exclaims. 

"Fuck, only Chelsea and Bailey knows the best." Gabe says, "swear jar." Harry says. We all stood up and walk over to the middle. 

"Skulls first." 

We all stare at each other, not knowing what to sing. 

It's the final countdown...

Two familiar voice sings, 5sos rushes to the side to join the rest of the dweebs. 

We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall

Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all

With so many light years to go and things to be found

I'm sure that we'll all miss her so.

We all started singing together. 

the final countdown!

"Woo!" Bailey did a headbang, Chelsea smiles wickedly at The Savages. "You can't kill the queen," Bailey smirks at them. "What happened to you guys? Chelsea.. Your back is bleeding." 

"And Bailey, you have so many bruises on you." I noticed, "we're fine." Chelsea assures. "Just need sleep," Bailey says, and we all walk out of the place. "Oh my god," Bailey stops walking. 

"I can't see." Bailey says, she fell to the ground. Blood coming out of her mouth, "this is going the third trip to the hospital today." Chelsea says, helping Bailey up. 

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