Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I know I will be okay when I am running home and into your arms.

- Chelsea Collins.

This past few days has been miserable. Everyone did went back to their jobs, but the younger Collins' didn't. They stayed because of Chelsea.

Blake and Jake are still receiving treatment from the hospital, Chelsea is going back to the therapist again.

Chelsea always have been in her room, Luke gets her food to eat though.

Then he will be in there for like quite a while. Chelsea and Luke has a very weird relationship.


Chelsea's Point Of View

"Hey Calum," He turns to look at me and I smudge a pink cream on his cheek.

"Oh come on." He groans, Ashton laughs at him hysterically.

"Chelsea, it's time." Alex says, throwing me my bike helmet.


Luke's Point Of VIew

Chelsea enter the white room last, she sits at the end. With the bosses of other companies, Jane Waters, Brittany and Melaine Collins.

"Okay, let's start from the Skulls." The man says, "Phoenix started the war." He continues. "Object." Jane, Brittany and Melaine say at the same time.

"Chelsea is the cause of it all, Phoenix didn't wanted to start war with Skulls. Steven wanted to kill her, so did Fawn and Kenneth." Jane explains.

Chelsea kept quiet, looking down at her nails. "Chelsea faked depression, and managed to escaped one war." Brittany says.

"I never miss a war." Chelsea says, making the room quiet. "You guys find trouble just because you have so much time in your hands. Find some other shit to do, I am a very busy person." Chelsea says, her eyes red.

"Who killed Shane Collins?" The man asks, "Savages and Phoenix, Gladiators have no involvement." Chelsea replies quickly.

"False!" Jane and Brittany shouted, standing up. They're furious now.

"She's only saying that because she's pathetic!" Melaine spat.

"She's always been trying to get attention ever since the first day of Skulls!"

"She killed her parents!"

"She maybe even killed her own brother!"

"Chelsea hasn't been faithful to the skulls, all she do is sit in her office and order people to do so."

"Chelsea's life is a lie, all she say is a lie. Her parents never even abused her."

"Chelsea is Chelsea Payne not Collins, I am the real Collins!"

Why isn't she saying anything?

"So conclusion, Chelsea is pathetic and insane. She has mental issue."

"STOP!" Brandon shouted, Chelsea's army arrived. They look very angry.

"I am not insane." Chelsea stated, she have her eyes closed and she's not breathing properly.

"I did not kill my dearest brother. What you all saying are lies. You don't have any evidences and you can't say that you're the first Collins because I am!" Her voice rises and slowly stood up, word by word.

"I am the first Collins to ever to be tested with the x-virus, so don't you dare say that you're the first Collins because you don't deserve to be one!" She spats.

The room went silent, Chelsea is breath heavily. "Session done."


Chelsea went back to the hospital after a few days, which caused Bailey to make a trip back. Blake and Jake visited her in the hospital, she was in coma.

It's pretty bad, I never seen her this angry. All those anger she hide inside...

"Oliver, what's her percentage?" Bailey asks, the skulls filling in the room.

"99.01%." Oliver reply, "what happens if it reach 100%?" Erwin asks.

"I don't know. That's what the experiment is about." Oliver says, "I hate the experiment." Gabe spat.

"Hey, anyone saw Rue?" Max suddenly ask, Chelsea's heart monitor begin to rise. Chelsea took in a deep breath and quickly sat up. She took off the oxygen mask, "Chelsea? You okay? Do you need anything?" Bailey asks.

"What?" She mutters after a few moments of silence.

"Hey sis," Blake ruffles her hair. Then we begin leaving the room. Leaving the Collins to their privacy.


"Chelsea?" I step into her room after she's back from the hospital. "Hey." She smiles at me weakly, "hey, how are you feeling?" I sat beside her.

"Fine, I guess. I got a session later on." She mumbles. "Chelsea, you gotta say something." I say.

"I am saying something." Chelsea chuckles lightly.


Chelsea's Point Of View

My two dearest brothers are gone. First Liam now Shane. I miss them so much.

It's 12 midnight. I turn on the lights. "Chelsea, was that you?" Lea asks. I shook my head in response. "Oh my god." Erwin mutters, walking down the stairs.

We turn around and stare at the wall, it was me, Lea and Layla. Gun shot in the middle of my head. A knife in Lea's heart, a Japanese sword in her stomach.

"Someone broken in, we need to move." Says Alex.

>> >>

It wasn't safe at any houses or apartments we own, so we settle into a hotel.

I didn't sleep that night, I keep having images in my mind so I looked out of the window, looking at the lights in the city.

People racing cars, people cheering, people singing.

And the beach, it's cooling at the beach. I guess, I never went to the beach at midnight before.

"Chelsea, why aren't you asleep?" Alex groan. "Can't sleep." I mumbled, hugging my pillow. Brandon let out a sigh, "we will stay up with you." Brandon and Alex sits by us.

"Thanks." I murmured under my breath. "There's so less stars," Alex says, staring at the sky.

"You know I was planning to watch seasons of American Horror Story before you guys came but now, I am gonna call Chinese." I mumbled.

"Are you serious? At 2am?" Brandon asks. "Yeah, that's what Collins do."


 "Did you talk to Luke?" Brandon asks, "yeah." I mumbled. I grab my drink and took a gulp down. 

"Was it good or bad?" 

"It was nothing.. Nothing at all." 

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