Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Sometimes, it's better to forgive. 

Chelsea's Point of View

"Hey idiots!" I heard Stephanie's voice, "I have a training with Silent Assassins tomorrow but Chelsea isn't going to be there and so the mission is passed to us." Stephanie says. 

"What?" He says in a high-pitch tone. 

"Why not The Skulls?" He then ask, "because they have a lot of things in their hands, they are tired. And come on, we were part of Skulls once." Stephanie replies. 

"But why Chelsea?" 

"Steven, she's my sister." 

> Bailey's Point Of View

"Okay no, it can't be Stephanie, cancel her out." I say, and walk to the dining room. "How is it going?" Louis ask, "still missing." I replied. 

"Do you know that we fade away?" Shane ask, "no!" I heard Chelsea scream in my head. 

"Steven's house, it's Steven's house!" Alex shouted, running down the stairs. 

Chelsea's Point Of View

Stephanie; Chelsea? 

Me; yeah. 

Stephanie; where are you? 

Me; In the lock room.

Stephanie; Okay, I will find you soon, just give me a few minutes. 

Bailey's Point Of View

"We can't go, we have a big war, Alex!" I reminded him. "What?! But Chelsea!" 

"The case is passed to Stephanie and her crew," Brandon mutters, "what? How can you trust them?" 

"They were once Skulls, we can trust them." Hayley says. 

We can right? 

Chelsea's Point Of View

Stephanie kicks the door open, she then moves to me. She took out the tape, "why are you here?" She ask as she unties the rope. My wings immediately spread when my hands were free. 

"Woah okay." She took a step back. "What do you think happened?" I ask, "Stephanie!" Steven steps back in. 

"What are you doing?" Steven ask, "I should ask you that!" Stephanie snaps back at him. 

"Why are you siding them?!" Steven then shouted, I grab his collar and threw him out the window. "That was how you wanted me dead right?!" I shouted. 

Bailey's Point Of View

"Uh okay, this is seriously huge." We walk through the army. We walk up the thrones, the rest stood at the sides. 

"Okay, everyone settle down." I call out. 

"This is war," I started off. Then we heard a cheer at the far end, my eyebrows furrowed as a gap was formed in the middle. 

"Who is that?" Blake ask, in a low tone. 

Two girls walk to the middle, "you guys failed." Chelsea says. Her eyes were furiously red. 

Stephanie stood beside her, then a gun loaded. 

"Guns down, no enemies here." Chelsea says, "what? Chelsea, why?" Amber ask. 

"Because true friendship never dies," She then replies. 

Tell me she isn't being serious. 

We all sat in silence, Chelsea still has her eyes red. 

"How did you killed him?" Alex ask, "the way he wanted me dead." Chelsea replies in a cold tone. 

"Why?" I then ask again, "because she helped me when you guys didn't." She snaps at me. 

Stephanie's eyes were also red, which only makes things worst for me. 

"Come on, there are two legends here." Alex says, I look at him.

"Chelsea and Stephanie." He says, "respect them." 

"What?! How about me?" I ask, standing up. 

"What about you?" Brandon ask. 

"You did more evil deeds than Stephanie does." Brandon added, "and Chelsea forgave you straight away." Hayley then added. 

"Let's go shopping." Chelsea says, we then all stare at her. 

Are we hearing it wrong? 

"Bonding time, Hayley, me, Stephanie and Bailey." She says, standing up. "Go in the car before I keep you in a room and burn it down." She says when we weren't moving. 

"Good luck Chelsea," Alex says. "Oh, I should be the one saying that to you because you're babysitting Amber!" Chelsea says with a fake excitement tone. 


"4 members of different companies today were spotted at a mall, buying stuff." 

"Food and water supplies are going up, but we know this is not the end." 

"Stephanie and The Skulls ends fued but clearly the old Phoenix is not too happy about it!" 

Alex's Point Of View

I step into the room where Chelsea and Stephanie are in. "Hey," I say nervously. They all turn to look at me, boy they are creepy. 

"Can I talk to Chelsea alone?" I ask Stephanie, she nods and left. After that Erwin came in. 

"What actually happened at Steven's?" Erwin ask, Chelsea stares at her desk. "Nothing." She mutters. 

She stood up, "I gotta go hang with my family." She says, trying to avoid the subject. 

"Chelsea." Erwin grabs her wrist, "don't touch me!" Erwin broke the glass. "Holy fuck! I am sorry." Chelsea goes to his aid. 

"Chelsea, therapy session." 


"No buts, go." I say sternly. 

>> Bailey's Point Of View

I stare at Stephanie as she walks out of the office, "what?" She looks at me. "You're up to something, I can smell it." I say to her. 

"Bailey," Shane says sternly to me when he walks past. Then suddenly Erwin broke the glass wall. 

"Holy fuck! I am sorry!" Chelsea quickly help him up. "Chelsea, therapy session." Alex says to her. I immediately help Erwin to Austin. 

"Holy crazy, what happened?" Austin ask, "Chelsea got raped by Steven." Stephanie replies. 

"What?!" Erwin flinches as we took out the glass pieces off his back. "Yeah, I found her in his apartment when I was passed the mission to find her." Stephanie says then she chuckles. 

"You don't even have to try, it's already kinda of obvious." She states, they all begin chatting. Except for me, I know she's up to something. 

Chelsea can't trust the wrong person. 

"Hey what happened to Luke and Chelsea?" Erwin asks, "why you want to date a Collins?" I snap back at him. 

"They got into a fight, I guess. And now it's just friendship." I replied, shrugging. 

"Aw but they were cute together, you know." Austin stated, putting band aid around Erwin. 

"Yeah sadly, Chelsea will never find love. She will never." I stated. 

"How can you say that?" Erwin ask, "she have Alex!" He then added. "I can hear you guys." Alex says, opening the door. 

"Nah, she have Noah. Noah still likes her." Alex stated, "whatever it is, it's Chelsea's choice. Just as long as she doesn't choose Louis because we have Tommy and if she dates Louis then it will be super weird." I stated. 

"She's so gonna choose Louis." 

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