Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"You using the plaid shirt today?" Luke ask, passing it to me. "Yeah." I replied, "good 'cause I am using the jacket." He says. 

I got out of the bathroom, in a skirt and a white crop top. "Don't say a word." I warn him as I put on my boots. 

"Aw, come on. You look gorgeous." He says, smiling at me. "Last time I am wearing a skirt, Hemmings." I say, grabbing my things. 

He chuckles and give me a kiss on the forehead. "Have fun today." I smiled at him, "yeah, you too." 

"Hey! You ladies look gorgeous!" Lydia says when we arrived at the boutique. "Oh thanks." Bailey and Layla says in unison. 

"Come on, let's go. They're already waiting." Kayla says, we saw the boys inside. Ugh, the last time I was here.. I don't remember. 

"Aw, Chelsea is wearing a skirt." Brandon says, "shh." I frown at him in a childish way. "Okay, hey guys!" Aunt Dolly waved at us. "Aunt Dolly!" My eyes widen. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were here?" I ask after hugging her. "Well, surprise. My boutique moved here last week, and Blake had an appointment so I figure out you guys were coming so yeah!" 

"And I can't believe you didn't saw the boutique name. It's kinda of obvious already," Lydia says. "What?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"Remember the boutique was call, Rosies'?" Aunt Dolly says, I nod slightly. "I finally took over because of your hard work you've done for the company! Look, Collins' boutique, The Skulls." She points at the small writing at the end of the book. 

"Oh my god, I have been too busy lately. I am sorry." I stated, looking at them. "It's fine, since you're handling it all single-handed now." Bailey says. 

"Oh, I thought Alex and Brandon was also part of it." Aunt Dolly says, grabbing a few more catalogues from the table. 

"Erh yeah, there was a mess up so I am still fixing it." I explained. 

"So erh, we have a lot of wedding dresses. The boys already picked out their favourites, you girls just have to check it out later." Aunt Dolly says. 

"You guys decide, I will buy you guys drinks." I say. 

"Oh yeah, that will be good." Jake says. "Starbucks?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "Yeah sure!" Kayla nodded, "okay then I know your orders already. Aunt Dolly and Lydia?" I ask, looking at them. 

"Wine." Lydia replied, "no." Kayla and Layla says firmly. "Soda," Aunt Dolly says. "I will just have a bottled water." Lydia says. 


"Hey, the 4 cupcakes are outside." I say to Bailey, "you bought cupcakes?!" Lydia's eyes widen.

"Erm no, Mum. It's 4 boys." Layla explained to her, "oh." Lydia nodded slightly. "Okay, I am coming out!" Kayla exclaims. 

The groom and the best men are still dressing up, apparently they have proper with their ties so Aunt Dolly have to fix it one by one. 

Kayla step out, "woah." I heard 4 cupcakes said. I raised my eyebrows at them, they were staring at her through the window. 

I open the main door, "hey drooling idiots, you know you guys can come in right?" I say to them. "Oh." 

"Chelsea, you gotta come and try your dress!" Bailey says, dragging me to the dressing room. 


Me; Bails.

Bailey; yeah?

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