Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Chelsea's Point Of View

"Stupid arrangements, just because of a stupid kiss cam." I muttered, taking off my jacket. "Oh sexay." Kayla slaps my butt, "hey!" I frown slightly. 

"Gotta admit that you guys are kinda of cute," Layla says. "But we're best friends, and nothing else. And we hate each other that's why we're best friends." I say, I sit down on the chair that was placed next to Bailey's bed. 

"But you guys meant everything to each other, you guys are going to get married." Lea sings, wiggling her eyebrows. "You girls are so.. Encouraging.." I say, "yeah, yeah." Diana giggles. 

Erwin then steps in, "speak of the devil.." Lea whispers, causing the girls to laugh. "What?" Erwin looks at me with confusion. "Nothing," I say to him and pull a chair next to me. "Night," the girls says, leaving. 

Erwin took a seat beside me, and it was silence then. It wasn't awkward, it's just comfortable and peaceful silence. 

Then it struck midnight, "hey, you know what day it is?" I asks Erwin, smiling slightly. "Your sister's funeral?" He raises his eyebrows. 

"True.." I nodded slightly, "happy 22nd birthday, dude." I chuckled. "Oh right, it's my birthday!" Erwin says. We've been so busy lately, we've forgotten about every single thing in the family or what's going on in our lives. 

"You're old." I sing softly, "shut up." He smiles. Then it went back to silence, now it's awkward. "Look Chelsea.. There's nothing to be awkward about." He says. 

"Yeah, i guess." I muttered, shrugging a little. We used to talk about everything, boys and girls, literally everything. Even mices. 

"The kiss was good, I think. And we're just best friends, and then it's kinda of weird. Because the only best friend I have kissed was Noah and it was like I don't 4-5 years ago? I lost count." I say, Erwin stares at me. 

"Stop staring at me." 

>> Next Day >> 

"So did you guys kissed?" Bailey asks, I took off my coat when we reach the stadium for the games. "Nope, just old best friends conversation." I smiled. 

"You should've like just kiss him," Diana says, "nah." I shrug, putting my sports shoes on. "Time to go with our partners." Bailey says, we all huddle in a circle. 

"Skulls badasses away!" We all chuckled and went out. We took a group picture before heading to our assigned partners. "I wonder who is partner.." Jack mumbles, "nice to see you dweebs." I say, smiling at them. 

"Am I your partner?" Brandon asks, "nope, you're Lea's." I say. 

"Alex will be with Jack, Austin with Kayla, Eugene will be with Layla, Sam will be with Oliver. Jeremy with Bailey and Noah will be with Diana, and Erwin, you're mine." 

"Oh man, Chelsea and Erwin are going to win. They're like the ultimate fighters or some sort." Diana says. 

"Come on, we're going to crush Savages asses." Lea says, "it's just a game, take it easy." Gabe says. "We never take any games easy." Bailey says, shooting him a look. 

"What's the first game?" We all turn to the screen. "Wow, today games is stupid." 


"Come on, idiot. You can do this." I pat Erwin's back then burst out laughing. "Nice pep talk." Erwin says sarcastically. "Whatever, win or lose. We still love you." I say, struggling not to laugh. 

I went over to the finishing line. Erwin pull up the bag, "I feel like I am 8 again." Bailey says. "Er.. Eugene. Why is Layla out there?" Lea asks. 

"She said she likes to try things." Eugene replies shrugging. "Hey Mick Jagger!" I shouted at Harry, he smiles widely and wave at me. The blow horn went off and Erwin is hopping pretty quickly. 

"Come on, Alex!" Jack shouted, "woo! Skulls all the way!" 


"Okay, each companies send one of the partners out." 

"Chelsea and Erwin! You guys are great at this game, I know because when we were 9, you guys won this like ten thousand times!" Bailey blabbered. "Oh boy." 

I tie the knot around our legs, "I always hated this game." I say, putting my arm around him. "It's for the sake of getting girls, and you getting creepy guys." 

"You're a dick." I snapped at him, "I know, I know." The blowhorn went off. "Left, right, left, right." 

My tongue stick out and we finished second. "Savages are now in the lead!" 

I took the knot off, "next is the couple games." Alexis says. "Bailey and Jeremy!" Alex shouted, "I can't carry anyone right now." Jeremy says.

"Chelsea and Erwin, looks like you have to fake date for a while." Brandon says, they all shrug innocently and I shot them glares. 

"What are we suppose to do?" Erwin asks, "piggyback riding, 200m?!" My eyes widen. Erwin then carries me up like I am nothing. "Are you sure you can do this?" 

"Please, I am Erwin." 


"2nd place isn't that bad." Bailey says, "yeah." I nod slightly. "Okay, time to announce the winners." Alexis says.

"Women of the games, Bailey Collins of Skulls and Chelsea Collins Skulls." 

"Yeah!" Bailey cheered, I lean back, letting out a sigh of relief. "Couple of the games. Chelsea and Erwin from the Skulls." 

"Aw..." They all cooed, "guys!" 


"I hate the games so much." I mumbled, "oh look cute boys." Bailey nudge me. "Seriously? Aren't we cute enough for you?" Harry grins, "nope." I smile sarcastically at him. 

"Mhmm, creepy dude coming your way." Bailey mumbles, walking away. "Hey!" I put on my slippers. "Dude, she's off limits." Luke cuts in before the dude can say anything. 


"He's got a brick!" Alex shouted, the dude swung his arm. I raise my arm and the brick crush into pieces. Everyone went quiet, I smile at the guy. My army then appear all around, "nah, it's nothing." I say to them. 

"Chelsea.." Bailey poke my arm, "what?" I look at her. "Look carefully." Bailey turn my head back to the guy. 

I met eyes with my father. 

So he is part of The Savages now? 

I stood up from the chair, "Chelsea." Max tug on my shirt. "You can't kill your own father, Chelsea." He takes off his hood. 

"Good luck on finding your brothers." 

He smiles wickedly and disappears. 

>> >> >>

The memories will always stay, Luke. 

And I promised myself, I wouldn't leave. But I don't have a choice. 

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