You're more than a friend to me( Frian) part 1

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*Hello queenies this is my first fan fiction and I hope you like it even if it's crappy. Maybe my English are bad but don't pay much attention to it...anyway! Enjoy lovieeeees! xxx*


I am in love with my best friend. No wait that's not a good way to start...well anyway yes I like men. I knew it for years I was different from the other boys of my age. And it's a secret i keep for myself.

Well yes I'm in love with my best friend Brian. What an unusual thing. We knew each other since we were kids and by growing up I started having strong feelings about him.

Everything on him is perfect. His dark curly hair. His hazel beautiful eyes that I could look at them forever. His wonderful bright smile. Everything.

What hurts me is that he would never like me back. I know he is straight. He has been on a relationship with many girls. And one wrong move i could ruin everything. I don't want to lose Brian.

Brian is in a band called smile. It's a very good band actually. He is often plays in pubs with his bandmates. Roger Taylor is their drummer, Tim Staffel their bassist an singer. Brian is their guitarist and I admire him so much. The way his fingers can play on the guitar strings. I wish he could touch me the same way he touches his guitar...oh who I'm I kidding?! He would never like me back

Tonight he is performing with him band in a pub as usual and I'm more than excited. I always went on every performance Brian did with his band. I wish I could join in but it's too late now.

Now it's the time I'm gonna see my crush performing. I can't be more excited. I take a nice shower. I get dressed. I wear the best fashionable clothes I can find. I wear a nice cologne hoping I can get Brian's attention after the show. I get out of my home. I get in my car. And I'm on my way to the pub.

As I arrive I see the band is still not there so I decide to get a drink.

Five minutes pass and I see the band coming on stage. The first person i saw was of course Brian. He was perfect. Such an angel.

As the band started playing I danced through the rythm. They were amazing especially Brian. I laid my eyes on him. I watched him playing those perfect guitar solos. I watched his long fingers playing on those guitar strings.

The show finished and everyone cheered up. As the band left the stage I rushed to Brian. "Oh Brian you were all so amazing. I enjoyed the show " I continued saying how good he was and stuff until I stopped and stared at his beautiful hazel eyes. I couldn't look away. "Freddie is everything ok"? Brian asked. "Oh...yes don't worry darling "

As he was talking to me I got lost in my thoughts again. How beautiful can a man be? Our faces were so close. I lost in his beautiful eyes as he talked to me again and without thinking I leaned forward and kissed him. What?! Omg what I'm I doing?! I quickly pushed back and saw the shock in his face. I got so red. I quickly rushed out of the pub. I felt so ashamed. "Freddie wait!" I heard Brian shouting but I couldn't stop. I wanted to disappear. I quickly got in my car and drove my way home. Thoughts were rushing in my head. What if he hates me? What if he never wants to see my face again? What if he wants to hurt me? For the last one I didn't mind though.


What was going on? I couldn't figure out what was happening. Freddie just really kissed me. My crush actually kissed me! Omg omg omg!! I then saw him running. "Freddie wait!" I shouted. He didn't hear me. I saw him walking out of the door and made his way to his car. He was probably going home. I must find him.

I quickly found my car and made my way in and tried to find Freddie so I can follow him. Yes I found him. I followed him to his flat. I saw him getting out of his car quickly and he made him way to his flat. I got out of my car to find him. He already got in his home. And I gently knocked on his door. "Yes?..."I heard a cracked voice the made my heart break. "Freddie It's me Brian. Can I come in?" I asked. "Oh...sure". As he opened the door i looked in his eyes and they were puffy and red. He was crying. "Brian I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to kiss you" Freddie said into little sobs. "Let's talk about it in shall we?" I said and he nodded.

We both sat on the leather sofa. "Freddie do you love me?" And he nodded with his head looking down. "Yes Brian. I always did" Freddie said still looking down. "You know Fred. The kiss was amazing" I said with a small smile. He raised his head and looked at me "Really? You are not mad?" Freddie asked. "Not at all. I love you Fred. I loved you for a long time now but I didn't know how to tell you" Freddie's face brightened. I leaned closer to him. I looked into his chocolate eyes and then I kissed him and he kissed back. This was such a lovely moment. His lips were soft. I loved it

The kiss became more heated. More passionate. We couldn't separate. Each second the kiss became more heated and passionate

Alright queenies this is the end of part one. I know it was a bit crappy but I hope you liked it a bit. Anyway the next part will be smutty. If you don't like it don't read it.

Queen Gay Oneshots (Maylor/ Frian/ Deacury/ Froger/Dealor/Breaky) Smut And FluffWhere stories live. Discover now