Chapter Nine

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Bucky smiled a bit as I looked around; there were so many people. He led me over to a large glass elevator and pushed the button that would take us to his room. He'd made up the spare bedroom for me, so I could be near him.

The elevator doors dinged open, and he led me down the hallway. Half of the walls here were made of glass, and the 'residential' area was quite high up, so the view was spectacular. His door was a couple in, and he stopped at the one with a silver '107' on it.

"Bucky, that was your..." I trailed off when he turned around with a smirk.

"It was Stark's idea." He said with a small laugh, before unlocking the door and letting me inside. He shut the door behind us as I took in the space in front of me, before leading me over to my room.

It had its own bathroom and a walk-in closet, and the walls were painted a gorgeous dark shade of blue. I set my bag on the bed, and Bucky put the bags he was carrying on the floor. He gave me a quick tour of the rest of the apartment, and his room turned out to be directly next to mine. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Bucky," I said quietly into his chest. He hugged me back, rubbing my back gently.

"No problem, Kiddo." He said with a smile. I let go of him and smiled back. "I'll let you get settled; This is your home now, do what you want." He told me, and I nodded. With another smile, I gently shut the door to my room to begin unpacking.

I smiled when I saw he'd set my CD on top of my bag, and I found a spot for it and my others on a shelf. Yes, I know I have a phone, but I've always liked having the physical discs.

I grabbed my one of my Queen CD's and my player and set them in the washroom along with a change of clothes; I had to get out of my funeral dress, and I desperately wanted a shower. I checked inside and there was already shampoo, soap, body wash and conditioner in the shower, along with a towel on the counter.

I started warming it up as I turned on my CD player, turning up the volume so I'd be able to hear it in the shower. I shut the door, stripping off my clothing, and after testing the water I got in and let the warm water run off my face. I'm definitely a shower singer, and today was no exception. I took a rather long shower before towelling off and changing.

I decided to let my hair air dry, so I left it down. I brought my music out into my bedroom, turning it down a little, and began unpacking. The closet was already half full with modern fashions, and I'd have to ask Bucky to take me shopping for some more comfortable clothing; the only thing out of here I would actually use on a daily basis were the jeans.

I put my clothing away, along with finding places for most of my personal items. The pictures of Mom and Dad were on my dresser and nightstands, and I smiled sadly at them. I pushed my empty bags under my bed, going on my phone. I wasn't big on things like Snapchat and Instagram, I just occupied myself watching a Doctor Who theory on YouTube.

I looked up when I heard a small knock on the door, calling "Come in!", before clicking my phone off and setting it on my nightstand. I smiled as Bucky stuck his head in, opening the door fully and stepping in.

My smile widened when I saw Steve come in after him; he had come with a few times when Bucky came to visit, but it had been a while since he was last able to come. I stood up and wrapped him in a hug which he returned, both of us smiling.

"I asked Bucky to let me know when you got here so I could come to say Hi," He told me.

"Well, Hi!" I said. "It's been forever!" I pouted playfully, letting go of him and sitting back down on the bed.

"Yeah, well." He shrugged, "Comes with the job," He smiled. Bucky sat on one side and Steve sat on the other. "Are you guys gonna join us for dinner?" He asked Bucky and I. I shrugged and looked at Bucky, who looked at me.

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