Chapter Fourteen

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Bucky and I watched the three men bicker and argue for a good few minutes, and despite his constant protests Steve and Clint were both entirely convinced that it had been Sam that pranked them. Despite his black eye, and his indignant anger for being blamed, it was obious even through the camera that he was having a hard time not laughing at their apearances. It was extremely amusing.

Bucky's reasoning for this particular prank session was actually just to keep me distracted. He knew I had to be taking my parents deaths rather hard, who wouldn't? Even though I hadn't really voiced much about it, my question earlier that morning about why he had taken me in sent some gears turning. It was clear I didn't want to talk or I would've already, but he wasn't so clueless as to think I was already completely moved on. So far, his plan was working.

Bruce was the next one awake, but it would be a little while before we got to see if our prank had worked or not. The dye we had chosen was the kind that would wash out in a couple of washes, which was perfect. After all, we wanted to have something reassuring to tell him if he freaked out. He took his time getting up, even though he didn't have a hangover. He never drank all that much, he didn't like it when he wasn't fully in control (for obvious reasons). While he slowly got up, finally getting into the shower, Nat woke up. This was the one I was most afraid of, even though Bucky had assured me it would be fine. What he knew and I didn't was that she would blame him, probably get mad too, but not me. Not after I'd only been in the tower for a little while.

When she pried her eyes open, groaning slightly at the swimming headache she got at the simple action, and sat up, her eyes widened to the size of toonies. She looked all around her, noting all of the mousetraps, and her first thought was actually 'Clint...'. He was the only one, or so she thought, that would dare do something like this. The next thing she discovered was that anything and everything that could be used to help her get to the door had been moved to the other side of the room, completely out of reach. She was calling him quite a few m-rated names, and her cursing is what drew Jarvis's attention.

"It appears Ms. Romanoff is awake. Would you like me to show the footage of outside her door?" The A.I inqired, ever helpful. She had long since removed the emergency camera's in her room (they were supposed to be in everyones rooms, security purposes, and only accessible if requirements were met, but Nat was Nat), so the closest thing they had was the camera with A/V outside her room. Bucky's face lit up, his nod towards me acompanied with a wink to tell me things would be fine.

"Go for it, Jarvis." I agreed, and my camera view of Sam getting chewed out was replaced by the view of Nat's door. The muffled cursing was just that, muffled, and seemed to have dialed back a notch... or three. We could hear it all, including Clint's name getting tossed around, because she was extremley hungover, now wide awake, acausing her to be frustrated. Thankfully, her clear thinking kicked, finally, and she resolved to toss her comforter on the traps and put her shoes on. Except.... Her shoes were gone. She swore again, loudly, and Bucky and I both chuckled. And you know what? She would have used her phone to get someone to help her, but her phone was gone too, and Jarvis wasn't responding when she called out - Bucky's doing, of course. After a few more minutes of trying to figure out what she should do, she ended up just lying back down. Someone would come to get her for something eventually, they could help her then. For now, her headache demanded more sleep.

It wasn't exactly what they'd wanted to happen, but hey, they couldn't all turn out perfectly, could they?

Finally, after all this time, Bruce got out of the shower. Toweling his hair off after drying the rest of his body, he god himself dressed before looking in the mirror... And recieved quite a shock. The bright neon pink hair dye had mixed with his brown hair and turned his hair a purplish-maroon colour. It looked decent on him, to be fair, but he certainly didn't think so. "Tony!" He yelled. Hmm, guess not everyone suspected Sam then.

We flicked between the camera's a few more times, just to check if Nat had done anything else, but she hadn't. Also, the boys had taken to simply having a glaring contest, so it seemed. It was kind of anti-climatic, but we'd had our fun. Plus, we'd still get to see Bruce with pink hair, and watch Tony struggle with Jarvis later, right? Bucky and I decided to take a break and go get some food, agreeing on a curry place not too far from the tower. It would probably be best if we made ourselves scarce for an hour or two, anyway.

I know it's short, and I'm sorry, but here ya go! Look at me, three chapters in two days! XD

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