Chapter Twelve

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I slipped behind the corner as I finished setting up the last prank, quickly heading back to the rendezvous point Bucky and I had set up. We had divided the team between the two of us, and I got Clint and Steve, while Bucky took the more dangerous tasks of Tony, Bruce, and Natasha. I was a little concerned for his life with Nat, but he had insisted she not be left out. Thor had returned to Asgard sometime after the festivities, so those were their options.

We hadn't wanted to go too hard on Steve, but after discovering he was down in the training room I decided to mess with his room. So you know what I came up with? Glitter. Everywhere. He wasn't going to be able to get that out for years to come. The red, white, and blue glitter was on his bed, in his bed, all over and worked into his carpet, and to make matters worse she had put some- a lot -on his ceiling fan. When he turned the light on and the fan with it, as he always did Bucky told me, he was going to have a wonderful, sparkly, patriot themed surprise waiting for him. He should consider himself lucky; Bucky had actually tried to convince me to paint his room. I valued my life, so I decided against it. Besides, he liked my idea better.

Now Clint, Clint was all Bucky's idea. We'd both watched how much he'd drank last night, and we knew he would be just as hungover as the resident playboy billionaire, so he'd taken that into consideration. I'd convinced him to watch Home Alone with me on my second night here, feeling too lonely to stay in my room on my phone. And he had a huge flat screen TV, that he didn't seem to know how to use. Remember the trick with the glue on the cling wrap and a pile of feathers in front of a rigged fan? Well, guess what I just set up for dear old Clint? Bucky had remembered it, and suggested it to me. I, naturally, jumped all over it, offering to take that as my second prank. Only, this was on a much larger scale. Whatever glue Kevin had used, it wasn't strong enough. I wanted all of the feathers on him. So his entire door was covered in the coated plastic wrap, using a much stronger glue that would still wash off, and a lot more feathers. Like, a ridiculous amount. All I had to do now was wait for Bucky to get back to safety with me before I called Clint and told him it was urgent that he come out immediately. I'd even got the tripwire all set up and ready to trigger the feathers as soon as he pulled off the wrap and stepped out of his room.

Now for Tony, the most obvious option would be to mess with his tech. Bucky could have just broken something or rigged something, but we didn't actually feel like wrecking anything. That wasn't the point of this. Now, granted the plan was still to mess with his tech, but this one was more a prank on the whole team. Being a human teen in the year 2018, I knew my way around technology and the internet. So, of course, I knew about the pranks between friends or family where you can go into their autocorrect and change what it corrects words to. Now, just picture that, but with Jarvis. Bucky only had to use some very specific voice commands, then block Tony from changing it, with my help of course, and it was done.

Bruce, we were a little more unsure of. Neither of us wanted to do anything that might cause him to hulk out, but we still wanted our fun. He took a little longer to think of something to do to, but eventually we came up with the idea of the all-time classic of putting dye in his shampoo. Because we knew we would need something to calm him down if he started getting worryingly angry, it was only going to last a few days.

And last but not least, Natasha. Good old, cutthroat, snap your neck if you look at her the wrong way, but still sweet and cuddly and caring Natasha. That was what Bucky was just working on setting up. Checking she was actually asleep and would stay like that, he got to work. Though I didn't know it, he was a former Hydra assassin, so he had the skillset to stay absolutely silent. First, he moved everything that she may be able to grab to help her, then grabbed his large back. Tony's supply floor had everything, and I mean everything. Including a confusingly large amount of mousetraps. Which was odd, because he had professional exterminators, but he wasn't going to question it right now. He activated each and every one, surrounding her bed in them, and moving outwards so when he reached the door, her floor was covered in live mousetraps. Oh, and he'd also stolen her shoes. Yeah, I was a little nervous about dealing with her afterwards, but I had a metal-armed supersoldier on my side. Hopefully, I would be alright. Hopefully.

Bucky shut the door silently behind him, returning the empty bag to the storage room before hurrying to get to the meetup point to let me know he was still alive after the little stunt. He arrived with a big grin on his face, and I shared the same mischevious expression as we knew our work was done. The only one that we actually had to activate ourselves was Clint's, and I immediately pulled out my phone. I didn't want the glue to dry, did I? It took him a little longer than usual to pick up, and when he picked up his voice was slightly slurred and gruff.

"Whaaat?" He practically whined grumpily, and Bucky had to turn away and cover his mouth to both control his laughter and let me keep the facade I needed to.

"Clint! Clint, come quick, something's happened!"

"What is it?" He sounded a little more alert now, but still a little slurred.

"I don't know! Please, just come down! Quickly! And I th-" I cut myself off with a startled gasp. I dropped my voice to a frantic and hushed whisper when I spoke again, and it was hard as I could see Bucky shaking with repressed laughter. "Clint, I think there's someone in my room, and I can't open the door, and I can hear footsteps, they're getting clos-" And just like that, I hung up for effect. I started giggling myself, which turned into full blown laughter as we heard a large curse followed by the sound of the fan and coughing and hacking as the feathers did their jobs. He must have tried to eat a few, and the thought, however ridiculous, had me laughing harder. Both of us doubled over in laughter, knowing this was just the beginning of a very amusing day to come.

Their mischief isn't done yet. How do you think everyone's going to like their.... suprises???


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