14 ✧ undertaker

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Undertaker x Seme Male Reader

(Y/n) let out a wide grin, as he looked at the grim looking building.

"Leave it to Adrain to find the creepiest place." (Y/n) amusingly thought. Before walking into the dull building.

"Hehe, where are you hiding at?" (Y/n) said out loud as he scanned the darkly lit room.

Before he smile spread further as he land his gaze upon the multiple coffins. Little giggles erupted from the coffin furthest in the corner.

As (y/n) slowly walked towards before prying the lid open. His stance staggering a bit as he was tackled into an embrace.

(Y/n) quickly found his balance as he greatly returned the embrace, holding him tightly.

"I thought you would never find me." Adrain giggled out, as he let go of the taller reaper.

The taller reaper only playfully pouted at Adrian's remark before he let out small chuckle's.

"Why, you really doubt me that much. I will always find you." (Y/n) purred out as he enjoyed the way the smaller reaper blushed.

Adrain couldn't help but heat up as he listened to (y/n)'s deep alluring voice. He knew that he wouldn't show it but on the inside he was jumping up and down at the return of his partner.

He can't remember the last time he met up with (y/n). He had almost forgotten how good looking and charming (y/n) was.

The smaller reaper felt himself heat up more before snapping out of his thoughts as (y/n) placed a gentle hand on his shoulders.

"Are you okay Adrain, you spaced out for awhile?" (Y/n)'s bright green eyes only showed confusion and concern.

Adrian only smiled as he nodded to his long time friend as he placed a hand on his broad shoulder.

"I've never been better." Adrian giggled out as he watched (y/n) relax and pull his hand away from his shoulder.

As Adrian slightly frowned at the lost of his hands warmth before putting a smile on his face.

(Y/n) felt his heart skip a beat as he watched the smaller reaper smile. As much as the tall male denied it. He knew that he would never get over his crush on his ex partner.

But he wouldn't ever bother telling Adrian about his harmless crush. (Y/n) honestly know what he would do if he were to tell him and for Adrain to reject him.

"It doesn't surprise me that you work with dead people." (Y/n) playfully teased as he looked around the room.

Adrian only giggled insanely before sitting down on top of a closed coffin. As he patted then area around him signaling (y/n) to sit next to him.

(Y/n) immediately sat down besides him shooting him a small smirk as he wrapped his arm around Adrian's slim waist.

"Why don't you tell me what do here hmm." (Y/n) purred out into his ear. Pride filling him up as he watched Adrian shiver and pink fill his cheeks.


"Do you really have to leave?" Adrian frowned as he watched (y/n) get up and head towards the door.

Guilt instantly filled up the taller reaper at his old friend's words. As he paused his movements and turned to face Adrian.

"Surely you have other friends more important than me." (Y/n) tried joking but only became quiet once more as Adrian frown deepened even more.

"I only want you." Adrian uncharacteristically whined out as he watched (y/n) stare at him.

(Y/n) just stared at the smaller reaper whine out for him. The taller reaper felt himself fidget in his spot as the gaze never left him.

(Y/n) only glanced at him at him with his jaw tense before turning around once more. And heading out the front door.

Adrian only stared at the front door in disbelief. As his chest tightened before falling onto his knees.

"Why did you go?" Adrain whispered as his hot tears spilled down his cheeks.


(Y/n) felt nervous as he slightly chewed his bottom lip. As he stared at Adrian's shop. Letting out a loud exhale he walked up to the door hand out reached before he paused.

"C'mon, (y/n) you can do this. No more running." (Y/n) told himself. As he slowly opened the door.

(Y/n) wasted no time as he walked into the room. As he searched for his long time partner and crush.

"What do you want (y/n)?" A serious voice was said out. As (y/n) turned his body to face the smaller reaper.

Adrian only felt himself frown as anger welled up in him. As he stared at (y/n) who had a guilty look on his handsome face.

"I'm sorry for walking out yesterday but I decided that today I would stop denying it and finally tell you." (Y/n) paused before continuing, "I love you Adrian and I have since we started working together."

Adrian felt his eyes widen as his heart stopped. A furious blush spread on his face at (y/n)'s sudden declaration.

As he searched (y/n)'s eyes as he searched for any hints of lies. Only to find nothing as he searched (y/n).

(Y/n) watched Adrian stand there, fear filling him up as he thought he was going to get rejected. Before he was tackled and fell to the ground.

"Hehe, I love you too (y/n)." Adrian said before placing a passionate kiss on (y/n)'s lips.

(Y/n) quickly reacted to the kiss as his hands placed themselves on the male's waist. Adrian letting it a small moan as (y/n) slightly squeezed his waist.

They both pulled away panting for air. As (y/n) traced the male's face as he stared up at him with love.

"Don't ever leave me." Adrian whispered out as he laid his head against his now lover's broad chest.

(Y/n) only smiled as his slender fingers tangled themselves in Adrian's long hair.

"As long as I live I will never leave you."

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