19 ✧ itachi uchiha

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Itachi Uchiha x Seme Male Reader

Itachi kept his usual cold composure as he continued walking along with Kisame and (y/n).

(Y/n) was one of the newest recruits for the Akatsuki and was one one of the most handsomest.

It was honestly really hard for Itachi to act cold around him. When all he wanted to do was blush and kiss him half the time.

The Uchiha snapped out his thoughts when they arrived back to the base. Itachi wasted no time into heading towards his room.

Not bothering to head along with the other two males to report to Leader-sama. As soon as he entered his room he felt himself relax. His body slumped over on his bed as he sat down on the edge.

Letting out a content sigh of relief at finally being alone. Before stripping himself of his Akatsuki cloak. And finally laying down on his back.

A knock sound through his quiet room before a deep smooth voice echoed through the room.

"Itachi, may I come in?" The voice questioned through the door that was keeping them separated.

Itachi blushed for a moment before rushing up to sit up and open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a very happy looking (y/n).

Flashing him a very appealing smile as he walked into the raven-haired male's room. Itachi heart stuttered for a moment from the small contact that came from both their shoulders passing each other.

But Itachi wouldn't show him any sign of emotion so he quickly put on a mask that he's perfected and shut the door. As he looked at the male who was now sitting on his bed.

"Oh, Itachi I wanted to ask if you wanted to go into the small village with me?" (Y/n) questioned the other male with a small smile on his face. (E/c) orbs showing a sign for approval.

Itachi wasn't prepared for a question like this and let his mask slip for a second to show a small pink tinge cover his cheeks.

(Y/n) let a smirk slide on his face as he watched the usually cold and stoic male let out a blush. He held in his laugh as he waited for the male to respond to his question.

Itachi knew that (y/n) had seen him blush and in the inside he felt super embarrassed. So he just nodded his head in response.

"Okay, let's go now." (Y/n) happily responded as he sat up from the bed waiting by the door for his partner.

Itachi just once again nodded as he reached out for his cloak. But paused when a hand wrapped itself around his wrist.

"We don't need those." (Y/n) seriously said as he narrowed his alluring (e/c) eyes.

Itachi's dark orbs widen for a second before giving him a stiff nod. Not used to coming in contact with his small crush.

(Y/n) didn't bother to release his grip and instead pulled the male out the room. Dragging a stiff Itachi behind him.

"Are you going on a date?" Hidan cackled as he smirked at the two males passing by.

Before he could open his mouth for another stupid response a kunai was thrown at him successfully hitting chest.

"Motherfucker!" The silver-haired man screamed out as he glared at (y/n).

(Y/n) didn't bother to reply to the angry man as he and Itachi continued their way out of the base. With a rather large smirk on the male's face, greatly enjoying how he caused Hidan pain.

"Why are we going into the village?" Itachi questioned with suspicion in his dark orbs. But didn't comment on why (y/n) still had his hand around his wrist.

Because he secretly enjoyed the skin contact between the two. He didn't again bother to question why a smirk suddenly appeared on the handsome males face.

"Cause we're going on a date Tachi." (Y/n) innocently cooed out as he watched the male for any reactions.

His mask finally came off as he let out a rather huge blush as he shyly looked at the attractive male.

"I-I've never been on a d-date." Itachi stuttered out cutely as he looked at the ground embarrassed.

(Y/n) let out a small coo as he removed his grip from Itachi's wrist and wrapped it around the male's slim waist.

"That's okay baby it'll be our first and many to come." (Y/n) whispered in his ear loving the way the smaller male turned even more red.

Itachi shyly nodded as he moved closer into (y/n)'s warmth. At this moment finally feeling happy and free.

"Can we eat dango?" Itachi lowly asked his new lover. (Y/n) just shot him a heart warming smiling as he placed a quick kiss on his temple.

"Whatever you want baby." (Y/n) assured as they walked into a small cafe.

Love swarmed in his (e/c) eyes as he watched Itachi light up at the sight of the many delicious treats. Itachi gave him a shy smile before he went to order what he wanted.

(M/n) walked towards his small lover hugging him from behind as he payed for Itachi's treats.

"I could've paid." Itachi slightly frowned at him. (Y/n) just shook his head playfully.

"As long as I'm here I'll always pay for you." (Y/n) cheekily said before placing a small kiss on his pink plump lips.

Itachi just flushed as he hid his face with the palms of his hands. At the very sudden but enjoyable kiss.

"That was my first kiss." The raven-haired male thought as he listened to his lovers adorable laughter.

"You're sweeter than any treat." (Y/n) purred out as he slid his arm around his waist once more.

The two males sitting peacefully as they feed each other treats. A loving aura spreading around the new couple.

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