40 ✧ madara uchiha

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Madara Uchiha x Seme Male Reader

"Why don't you come lay down?" (Y/n) suggested, turning his head while he was laying on his stomach, exposing his  muscular back. As his (e/c) hues closely watched his lover sit on the corner of the bed. Madara didn't respond back, the shuffling of his paper in his hands the only sound being heard in the room.

(Y/n) frowned, not liking that he was being ignored. Sighing he slowly got up, the covers sliding down his body leaving his upper half exposed. "What's wrong Madara?" (Y/n) questioned, watching his lover tense up and pause from his paperwork.

"Nothing is wrong." Madara simply responded, placing down the papers in his lap. Shuffling on the bed to turn his body slightly and look back at the male in his bed. (Y/n) just rolled his eyes, knowing that he was going to have to insist Madara to tell him what exactly had his so stressed out.

"Madara, I don't understand why you must lie to me." Madara just huffed out, closing his eyes as his hand reached up to rub his eyes. Already knowing that (y/n) was a very persistent person and wouldn't give up until he got what he needed. The corner of his lipped twitched up slightly, that was actually a trait that made him fall for the male.

"Since you want to know so badly." Madara drawled out before continuing, "The elders of the clan have decided that I should wed and produce a heir." Madara carefully watched (y/n) for any reactions, but like a true Uchiha, no emotions were made present on (y/n)'s face.

"Are you going to decline the offer?" (Y/n) asked, the slightest hope bursting in his chest. But he already knew that Madara would more likely agree to the conditions, but how (y/n) hoped that his lover would stay with him and only him.

Madara once again stayed quiet, setting  his gaze to his hands. The silence to (y/n) was the most obvious answer. With that (y/n) shuffled out the bed, bending down to grab his shirt, ignoring the eyes that were trying to burn holes into him.

"(Y/n) you don't have to leave." Madara stated, getting up from the bed and following (y/n) to the front door of the house. His heart lurching in his chest, watching how (y/n) just slid on his sandals and opened the door before pausing halfway out the door.

"There's no need for me to stay. You've already chosen your fate, one that doesn't involve me. Unless you were to decline the marriage, which is highly unlikely, then I would stay but you aren't. Goodbye Madara."

Madara couldn't find it in himself to reply back or chase after the male. Watching (y/n)'s figure retreat into the darkness before slowly closing the door. Denying the tears any access to fall down his face, but allowing himself to have his back hit the door and slide down it until he was sitting on the cold hard floor of his house.

Madara didn't want to get married to anyone that wasn't (y/n). Even if it meant not continuing his direct bloodline because he was with a male. But (y/n) meant everything to him, so he would gladly not have children if it meant being with the one he loved.

Madara growled, roughly wiping away the tears gathering in his dark eyes. Silently cursing himself for not saying any of that to (y/n) when he was here. Feeling that he deserved to wallow in his pity because he was the cause for it.

Quickly shaking head his head to snap out of it. He decided that he would head to the elders in the morning to deny any arranged marriages and then make his way to (y/n) and declare his love for him. Smirking to himself, he picked himself up from the ground and went to his room to await for the next day.


(Y/n) was not very happy to be awoken up this early. Granted that it actually was not early it was almost the afternoon, but none of that matter anyway because all he wanted to do was waste the day away to forget everything that happened the previous night.

"I'm coming, hold on." (Y/n) grumbled, not caring that the only thing he was dressed in was his boxers. Really it was the only thing he slept in besides when he was naked from an extremely fun activity of the night or day.

The pounding on the door only got louder, making (y/n) grumble more in annoyance as he continued to trudge towards the door. Then stopping in front of the door to annoy whoever was outside by waiting a few extra moments longer than needed to open the door.

"(Y/n) open up now." The annoyed voice came through the door. Making the male freeze and intently stare at the  door. (Y/n) couldn't help but slowly turn himself away and slowly make his way away from the door until he froze up once more at the sound of the demanding voice.

"(Y/n) I know you're behind the door." (M/n) stopped in his spot, sighing out in defeat knowing that there wasn't anything he could do to shoo away Madara, before swinging the door open. Blankly staring at his previous lover, who was patiently waiting outside the door.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Madara snapped, before inviting himself in pushing past (y/n). (Y/n) blankly staring outside, blinking to himself before closing his front door and turning to face his ex lover. Who was currently making himself at home by sitting down on the couch like he owned it.

"Why are you here?" (Y/n) demanded, still not caring that he was practically naked and tried and failed to ignore the appreciative eyes that were currently roaming all over his body. It actually made him feel good because it meant that even if Madara got married, the male still found him attractive.

Madara not saying anything and stopped scanning (y/n)'s uncovered body. "Why do you think I'm here?" Madara inquired, his tone teasing the male who was slowly getting frustrated with him. (Y/n) groaned out in frustration not liking the games the male was trying to play at.

(Y/n) ran his hand through this tousled (h/c) hair, before pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't know, why don't you tell me." He growled out, his foot tapping the ground as he waited for the explanation from the male sitting down in front of him. The silence slowly suffocating him.

"I'm not getting married or having children because I want to stay with you." Madara bluntly said, scowling as he looked at the floor to try and hide his burning and red cheeks. (Y/n) couldn't help at the small smile that creeped onto his face at the sentence that made his heart pound into his chest.

"You do love me Mada." (Y/n) cooed, walking up to the male and crouching in front of him. His hand gently reaching out to push away the long dark hair that was shielding his face away from him. Smiling at how Madara leaned into his touch and nuzzled into his hand.

"Of course I love you idiot." Madara embarrassingly spit out, looking into (y/n)'s shining (e/c) orbs and placing a long overdue kiss to the male's smooth lips. The pair kissing each other as if they hadn't kissed in years, when in reality they only split for a day.

"Don't leave me like that again." Madara angrily said, pulling away from the kiss, panting as he tried to regain his breath. (Y/n) just hummed in response, sitting besides the male and pulling him closer to him. Madara relaxing into the embrace and closed his eyes at the feeling of (y/n) running his fingers through his long hair.

"I'm serious (y/n). I'll kill you next time."

"I got it already Madara. I won't leave you next time because I value my life."

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