18 ✧ haise sasaki

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Haise Sasaki x Uke Male Reader

Haise knew he was staring at the very feminine male but he couldn't help himself. The small boy was so pretty, maybe even beautiful.

Haise's eyes flitted back to his book that he was supposed to be reading. When another customer came in to buy a book, asking the small male where it could be located.

Haise couldn't help but feel jealous because the other customer could clearly talk to the attractive male but he couldn't.

The two colored haired male just let out a small sigh of despair before packing his things up and leaving the small bookshop.

(Y/n) couldn't help but feel sadness when the two colored haired male left his little shop. The small male found his customer very attractive.

Heat rose to (y/n)'s slightly chubby cheeks as he thought about the male. But sadly he never once came up to him for anything.

The male would just come and either browse through the books or take a seat at a table and do whatever he does.

(Y/n) for sure wasn't going to go over there and interrupt whatever business the attractive male had.

"He probably isn't even gay." (Y/n) sadly thought as he stared at the table that was occupied a moment ago.

(Y/n) threw on a fake smile to hide his depressing thoughts as more people came into his bookshop.

"How may I help you?"

Time skip:

Today was the day Haise was going to talk to the beautiful male. A huge smile was spread across his face as he approached the bookshop.

He gave himself a quick pep talk before entering the bookshop. Only to frown when he saw a female working the counter.

"Excuse me but where is the other male that works here?" Haise politely asked the female who looked right at him.

"Ah, sorry (y/n) said he couldn't come in today." The female informed him before turning the next customer.

"That's just great." Haise sarcastically thought as he walked out the bookshop.

Haise was now greatly annoyed because he would be leaving on a mission for at least one week or two.

So he wanted to get to know (y/n) at least for today before he left tomorrow. Letting out a groan he continued walking around.

Not really caring where he would end up. As he walked past a park he decided to at least sit for awhile and calm himself down.

Looking at an empty bench, Haise went to sit on it while closing his eyes. Enjoying the peacefulness that was around him.

"May I sit here?" A polite voice asked out as Haise's eyes flashed open.

Haise felt his cheeks tinge with embarrassment as he couldn't find his voice so he just nodded his head.

(Y/n) just shot him a genuine smile as he sat down besides the attractive male.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)." The male named (y/n) said as he turned his body with his hand stuck out.

"I'm Haise Sasaki." Haise nervously mumbled out as he grabbed (y/n)'s hand. But suddenly smirked confusing (y/n) greatly.

(Y/n) felt himself blush as his heart started pounding in his chest at Haise planting a kiss on the back of his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." His deep voice lowly said as he removed his hand from (y/n)'s smaller one.

(Y/n) let out a small giggle as he hid his red cheeks with the palms of his rather small hands.

Haise felt his heart flutter when (y/n) let out a giggle clearly trying to hide his embarrassment.

"I was actually going to talk to you today at your bookshop." Haise mumbled out as embarrassed rolled over him.

(Y/n)'s (e/c) orbs blinked cutely a couple of time before a wide smile appeared on his face. His heart still beating really fast in his chest.

"I-I wanted to t-talk to you for a-awhile too." (Y/n) stuttered out as he looked at the ground beneath him. Trying to avoid Haise's gaze.

Haise felt his heart pound as (y/n) said those words that he very much appreciated. Knowing that he wasn't the only one who wanted to get to know one another.

The two males sat there blushing and avoiding each other's gazes as they fidgeted in the seats.

"Why didn't you come to work today?" Haise softly questioned that small male who's head turned to face him as soon as he heard his voice.

(Y/n) only smiled at him before straightening up his posture.

"I just felt like I needed a break today." (Y/n) nonchalantly shrugged out as he turned to look at the scenery.

Haise only chuckled at (y/n)'s response as he continued to look at the male.

"What do you do?" (Y/n) cutely asked with his innocent (e/c) eyes looking at him.

Haise then proceeded to tell the small male about his job at the CCG and how he would go on a mission tomorrow for at least two weeks maybe even less.

(Y/n) pouted when he was told that Haise was leaving tomorrow. But a hopeful smile spread on his face.

"Do you think we can go on a date when you return?" (Y/n) shyly asked as he looked at the surprised looking male.

Haise felt surprised by the sudden question but let out a small blush as he looked at the hopeful male.

"I would love to go on a date with you (y/n)." Haise softly said as he grabbed (y/n)'s small hand and intertwining their hands together.

(Y/n) blushed at the wonderful action but smiled nonetheless.


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