Chapter Thirty Five- Falling Out

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Okaaaaaaay. I'M REALLY SORRY FOR NOT REPLYING TO THE COMMENTS FOR THE PREVIOUS (2) CHAPTERS. I really am. But I'm just too busy at the moment because I'm preparing the Qualifying Exam of our school paper (I somehow ended up as the editor-in-chief this school year O_O). I REALLY, REALLY am sorry. I just--GAH. SOOOOOOOORRY. 

By the way, you will JUST LOVE ME for this chapter. I guarantee it. ;)))) (Please note the sarcasm) (Evil Kierra inside my head: MWAHAHAHAHAHA) 

By the way, due to some--err--stuff, I'm changing the title of my next story from The Kissing List to "Kiss and List." Will post it soon! :) WAAAAH, I'm so excited. I don't expect many reads, but I just really, really want to make it fun to read and write. =))) 

Okay, I'll stop babbling so you  could go ahead and read the chapter now. 

-Kierra XX 

P.S. Please try not to bang you head against the wall, pull your hair out, or send me death threats upon reading this chapter. =)) 

Chapter Thirty Five- Falling Out

                It happened two days later. For some unknown reason, though, I was sick in bed and I had the cold. I spent most of those two days asleep or feeling like I wanted to sleep. Cam and Sherri visited, but I mostly just shooed them away.

                And because of this, I’ve completely forgotten about Night Moon and telling Eadrine about the fact that I want to stop writing about Cam now.

                But that really wasn’t the problem here. It was the fact once I got back to school, this was what happened.

                The first person I ran into was Cam. I prepared the sweetest smile on my face, just because I’ve been nothing but sick and awfully crank for the past two days. Yeah, not really the type of girlfriend a guy would want. And okay, I’ll admit it: I did miss him. But just a little. So I approached him, with that smile on my face.

                We were in the parking lot. I deliberately parked right next to him.

                “Cam,” I called him.

                His head snapped up and his eyes were unreadable at first. “Are you happy now?” he asked me.

                I didn’t get it at first, and then thinking he was probably asking if I wasn’t cranky anymore, I smiled. “A hundred percent happier. Hey, I'm the happiest person on earth right now.”

                He heaved a sigh, looking away from me, as if to calm himself. Weird. Then, after a while, he turned to me. “Of course. I should have known. I should have fucking known that you’re nothing but scheming little witch.” Okay, so maybe he didn’t really say witch but something that rhymed with it. I just couldn’t let myself believe that he had called me that.

                “You must be oh-so-happy now that you’ve gotten what you wanted. And you know what sucks? It’s not the fact that you achieved more than you wanted. It’s not that fine, I should have known from the moment you told me those words that something was up. No, it’s not those at all—it’s the fact that even now? I still can’t fucking hate you.”

                I froze.

                “W-what? I don’t get what you—”

                “Fuck off. Leave me alone,” he said.

                “Cam, I—”

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