Hey Guys! Sorry the update took forever! I'm currently juggling a lot of things as of now (The upcoming journalism contest, mid-terms, unit tests, projects) and my health? DYING AS EVERY SECOND TICKS. I swear, I could just collapse ANYWHERE. I'm not even kidding. And I planned to update three days ago, but then I had this headache and it was like DANG. My head was about to burst.
But here it is. :D I hope you like it. Sorry for the (overly, overly, overly) long wait!
--Kierra XX
P.S.- I HAVE NOT PROOFREAD YET. Why? I'm feeling so helplessly lazy. B)
Chapter Nineteen- WillyoucomeovertohelpmedressupforFridaynight?
My mom stared in horror at Jake.
“Please?” Jake skillfully arranged his face with a puppy-dog look. I hate to admit it, but it was convincing. If you didn’t know how many times he wore his shirts without washing them or how many days he could last without brushing his teeth.
I watched quietly, eating my breakfast—my favorite rainbow cereal.
“Please, Mom? Please, please, please? It would mean everything to me!”
Mom pursed her lips. “No. It does not mean everything to you. School would mean everything to you, not a three-day joyride with your friends!”
“Mom. We’re visiting a college campus. It means my future, doesn’t it?” he asked her in an attempt to steer the conversation back to his advantage.
“You still have a year before you become a senior, Jake,” Mom told him and looked back at the book she was reading.
M brother, of course, did not give up.
“Mom. I’m going with the senior guys of the team. You know them. And I’m… expanding my horizons and looking for… uhh… possibilities for the next years to come. Look at Shea! She’s a senior, yet she’s not even bothering to look for good universities!” He pointed a finger at me.
My eyebrows shot up. “Um, excuse me?”
“I don’t want to end up like her!” he said, ignoring me.
I looked at my mother, my jaw dropping open.
Mom rolled her eyes. “Jake, honey, you’re sister applied to Yale. And Sarah Lawrence. You’re saying that you don’t want to end up going to a good school?”
Jake scowled. “Whatever. But, really, Mom. Can’t you see how this helps my future?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Mom, Breeze will be coming. We’re about to look at the place where we’d share our college life.”
I snorted. “You’d think Breeze would stand being with you for more than a year? I'm giving you six months with her, dude. And I'm already being generous.”
They, Mom and Jake, both shot me a look.
“Shutting up,” I said and nodded. “Please continue arguing and ruining my eardrums.”
Humor‘He went out of the room. In his boxers. Again. Like the laws and principles of the universe, which were scientifically proven, I couldn’t help but scowl. He smirked. “Well, stop drooling all over me.” I wrinkled my nose. “Right. Good luck with you...