Chapter 2 》"Leave at your own chosen speed"

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"Smile and act like you actually like each other!"

"Mom we're too old for this!" Michael whines, throwing an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close.

"You're not too old to love each other. You are still my babies, and I want a first day of school picture from your senior year. So hush and smile." I lean into my older twin and plaster a smile on my face. 

Do I hate Michael? Sure, sometimes. But he's also my other half in a weird way, and I love him. 

Mom snaps our picture like we are in Kindergarten again, and Michael and I immediately break away from each other and hop into our shared car. Michael is driving, since he never lets me. At this point, it is what it is, I just obey his wishes and we won't fight. 

I snatch the aux cord before Michael can, and he sneers at me, but let's me have responsibility of our music this time. We make it to school without any fights, surprisingly.

This is it. Senior year. I've been waiting for graduation day since I escaped the womb. High school hasn't necessarily been bad, but it hasn't been good either. I feel trapped here, like I can't be myself. You have to be a certain way to fit in, and I don't buy into that, I just want to be myself. That's why I keep to myself, and that's why I don't have friends.

As soon as we pull into the parking lot I want to go back home, and it has nothing to do with school. It has everything to do with the idiots my brother calls his best friends.

Ashton, Luke, and of course, Calum jump up on our car as Michael eases into the parking space laughing. I roll my eyes. If I get out of the car, that means they'll talk to me.

Welp, I guess I'm skipping the first day.

Unfortunately, before I can jump into the drivers seat and skedaddle out of this place, Ashton pulls my door open and drags me out of the car.

"Damn it, Ash!" I whine.

"Aw, come on Nor. Don't be so butthurt, the bell hasn't even rang yet." He giggles his signature Ashton Irwin giggle, and I can't help but soften my mood a little bit.

I mentioned that Calum was my least favorite out of Michaels friends. Well, if I had to pick a favorite out of Michael's friends, it would be Ashton. Don't get me wrong, he's still a complete idiot like the rest of them, he's just... nicer. And as for Luke, he's just a dick. But not as much as Calum.

Ashton throws an arm around my shoulders while all the boys chat about the stupid band that they made - they called it 5 sauce or 5 soup or something dumb. I stiffen up a little at his touch. Usually when one of the boys touch me, it's to shove me or something. This is oddly comfortable. Probably because I trust Ashton more than anyone else, even Michael.

Ana catches my eye across the parking lot, waving like an idiot. When she notices my brother is near me, she damn near takes off sprinting.

I sigh, I don't know what she sees in that boy.

I glance at the time, deciding I should leave now,

A. If I want to have a seat in my first class, and
B. If I want to miss the cringeworthy sight of Ana nonchalantly flirting with my brother.

I tug myself out from beneath Ashtons strong drummer bicep and without a word, make my way to the school.

"Norah! Where ya going, doll?" Ashton shouts from behind me.

"Class." I roll my eyes.

"Shut up, mate. Did you want the whole school to think you have a thing with Mikey's sister?" I hear Calum laugh.

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