Chapter 8 》"And defend you"

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I've been avoiding Calum, as usual, in fear that he may bring up the locker room incident. I don't know why it matters, he probably told all of his friends about how I was drooling over him already. 

I've never been more embarrassed about anything in my life. I stood there like an idiot ogling his body. I'm truly disgusted with myself. To top things off, I was so distracted by the thought of Calum's body and distraught about the way that situation happened that I couldn't focus while I tried to study. I took my test earlier today and did awful, and it's all Calum's fault.

I stomp into anatomy, already feeling embarrassed about what could be said in this class. The boys have taken to sitting at mine and Ana's table and they haven't moved yet. Of course when I walk in they are all seated at our table with Ana, and of course the only open seat is once again right next to Calum.

It appears that Calum has made himself quite comfy. He leans back into his seat, arms stretched comfortably behind his head. He wears a smug grin while his feet rest in the empty chair that I'm supposed to sit in. Here we go.

I walk up to the table, wordlessly stand in front of the chair, and wait for him to move his feet. He doesn't move a muscle, just stares back at me with a knowing glint in his eye.

I clear my throat softly, hoping he'll get the point. I think he does get the point, he just refuses to act on it. He smiles bigger and waits for me to say something.

"Calum, would you mind moving your feet so I could sit?" I ask sweetly.

"Hm. Sure thing, but you'll have to try a little harder than that." He says cockily.

"Please?" I ask.

"Nope, that's not the magic word." He shrugs, grin only growing bigger.

"Uh... if please isn't the magic word then I don't know what it is." I state with confusion.

"You know what it is, Norah."

I stare at him, still completely confused and he's smiling so big at this point that he's almost laughing.

"Daddy." He mouths the word silently so that only I can see. "Say it." He says out loud.

"Not a chance in hell." I whisper.

Calum just giggles like a girl. "Say the magic word, or sit on the floor."

"I'm not sitting on the floor. Now get your feet out of my damn chair." I'm beginning to get really frustrated with him.

Calum suddenly sits up, removing his feet from the chair. He grabs my wrist and pulls me close so he can whisper in my ear. "I'll make an exception just this one time. The way you were eye-fucking me last night, I can tell how much you'd just love to scream daddy for me. Have a seat, babe."

I cautiously glance around, praying that no one else at our table heard his words. Everyone is busy talking to someone else, focusing on their phone, or sleeping. I stare at Calum, eyes wide in horror while he pats the seat with his hand, urging me to take a seat. 

"Relax, no one heard me." He says quietly, trying to contain his smile, but failing miserably. 

I sit down, wishing it was time to go home. I just knew that Calum would find a way to tease me about what happened in the locker room, and I couldn't be more embarrassed for myself. Calum makes it a point to casually rest his hand on my thigh, so I grab my pencil and go to stab his hand. He quickly retracts his hand with a sly smile. 

"Someone's fiesty." He chuckles. 

"Someone's an asshole." I reply nonchalantly. 

"Alright class, we're going to be looking at the human body today." Mr. Smith announces, pulling up a diagram on the board that shows two illustrated bodies, one female and the other male. The boys snicker in response to the naked bodies on the board, but I expected nothing less from them. They are so immature that it's unreal. 

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