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I wake up to a knock on the front door. 




I walk downstairs to see Ohm at the door. "W-who are they momma...?
I blush at the name and ohm sits down and tilts his head.  "momma? Are you okay?" He's so small and cute, I just want to squish him! I thought to myself and he wiggles on the floor."Sweetheart what are you doing?" I asked then walk to the door. "I'm bored mommy!" He giggles and sits up. I open the do only to be tackled by my sister and bestfriend.

"Bf/n! And S/n how was the trip!?" I smile and I see Ohm with a pillow and he starts hitting Bf/n on the head with it. "GET AWAY FROM MY MOMMY!" He yells and all of the others come down stairs and hit S/n with more pillows and stuffed animals. Soon after that S/n and Bf/n stood up and looked at the children hugging me while give them death glares. "I never known you we're going to get so many kids!" Bf/n exclaims and I sit up.
"Well, yeah, I have a mansion and I'm lonely here without you guys so I wanted to take care of something that will love me. I went to the orphanage to get one child, but he had friends who he will miss so I brought them all home. I'm a mother and I'm happy that I have them with me." I say as Wildcat hugs me, Ohm sits in my lap,  Satt puts his head on my shoulder and the others stand extremely close to me. "Well that's good that you have them, they really love you if they literally attacked us," S/n says while smiling weirdly.

"Well come on in!" Evan says and I laugh. "what was that Ev?" I asked and he shrugs.

"Well today will be fun!"

So this is what I have before the big tings will happen and I'll tell you! It will be pretty good, but for now I'll leave it here and I'll catch you all in the next chapter! Bye!

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