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After watching shrek, I decided to grab some snacks for me and the kids to eat.
I look out of the window and see a cat. It slithered it's way into my backyard as it laid out in the setting sun. Its black fur, shiny, silky black fur shine in the honeydew sun, falling asleep as I known. "Mommy, what's that thing?" Gorrila (mark) says. I looked down at the little boy his eyes fixated on the cat. "Well sweetie that's a cat, they are kinda more chill than dogs if you don't watch the crazy cats on internet." With that said, he nods and stares at the cat walking to him, the cat lays at his feet and stares into his eyes. I didn't know if mark was overwhelmed at the presences of the cat or what, he was stepping around as if the floor was lava.
The boys who were around the sliding door noticed he movements and hugged him softly and hummed to him, all of them in sync to keep him calm. After a few seconds, he looks at me and says. "That cat spoke to me."

Now when I heard that, I kinda believed it, I seen way too many scary stories and movies with children in them. Yeah they were creepy, but tell me who lied about a monster in the house?! So yeah I believed him. "What did he say? I asked and he actually looked and the cat that was staring at me. It looked at him before looking back at me as if it literally turned its head to speak to Mark. "There is more to us. We have more hidden powers and it may be tested on a greater force. S..something bad will happen to us mommy and we won't have time to prepare so we must get ready." Mark asked and I was pretty afraid at what he was saying.
"What do you mean prepare? How and for what reason?" The cat walked away and I'm left clueless.
Maybe this is a joke
I mean, is it?
I may be s/c, but even if I was to be in a scary movie, the movie director don't control me baby! I came to beat ass and I'll show the future one thing or another!


It was time to sleep, it surprisingly didn't stop the kids from playing in their rooms, school is coming up in a few days, I'll have to do a lot of shopping and I'll have to see what they need for school. I looked up a school to do/get list and was amazed at how little they need. I have as many kids fo fill a class so I'll hope to get my kids in the same class or they will act up. Also, make an excuse every time they are grown ass men, that would be one thing to never get over.
My friend told me is was about time to go. I hugged them goodbye and that they will text me when they get home.
My sister walked up to me and spread her arms for a hug.
I stared at her and hit her on the head before hugging her. "See you guys around, teach me more Japanese next time!" They both bowed after I said that and I was left with the children.
Good thing I didn't have to drop them off, my car takes up a lot of gas and I didn't want to charge them.

I decided to not take a bath tonight, I was a bit overwhelmed and I'll go and take one in the morning. I flopped in bed and was met with a large person on me. I looked up to the green eyes of David. He had his entire body against mine and I couldn't move.

"Mm.. David, off of me." I muttered as I would look up and sit on the bed correctly, able to breathe normally now since he isn't on me.
David gave me a small smile, he looked like he wanted something from me. "What do you need?" I was honestly confused at why he was staring at me in such a way. He got closer, sat next to me with his back against the headboard.
"I feel weird, mum. If we aren't grown up by the time this bad thing will happen, I'll still protect you. We all love and care about you, I hope you understand." He held my hand and kissed it. He was staring at me the entire time.
"Also-" he paused.
"I feel weird down there, can you help me?" He whispered in my ear and my face scrunched.


"I don't know how te do it myself We aren't blood so it's not weird right?!"


"Okay! Sorry for bothering ye!" He ran out of the room a slight blush on his  face, leaving me to be a mess a red one.
I turn the lights off and was about to sleep until I seen Jonathan crawl from the side of my bed and snuggle in. I shake my head. "Night Jon."
Once I said that he flinched but huskily said it back.



Well that's all, I hope you guys enjoyed that, yes. Updates are slow as hell but that doesn't mean it's over!
I'll see you guys later bye!

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