42) Can we solve them?

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Paige Pov

After what heels like forever of just sitting in silence in my room, an unexpected rage bursts through me.

I destroy my bed throwing pillows across the room in all directions, then I proceed to my closet.

I love all the clothes I own, but the fact that Taylor bought them all and she has me locked in here like a prisoner, infuriates me.

I throw my shoes out of the closet towards the other side of the room, some of them hit the wall making a loud satisfying sound for myself.

Loud enough for Taylor to hear.

After I successfully throw everything I can throw without it breaking, I lay against the far right wall of my bedroom.


Taylor is fiddling with the lock now.

Please say she is letting me out of what feels like a jail cell.

Taylor finally opens up the door but I remain sitting on the ground.

She steps into my room, glancing at the mess that I made.

"Come to the kitchen table for dinner, then you are cleaning this all up." Taylor says lacking an emotion.

"Fine." I reply, attitude throughout my tone.

"If you want to become ungrounded I would lose the attitude young lady." Taylor says before walking back down the hallway, With me closely behind.

I walk up to the table and sit down, I have never been more hungry in my life. I didn't have lunch after the tutor thing today, and so dinner is all I want right now.

Taylor sits across the table from me, she begins to eat delicately, while I just stare at the food she made.

It is this bowl that is like 90 % green leaves that Taylor might have gotten from the street outside, with some rice or another grain mixed into it. It looks really healthy and I am just not going to put this into my body.

After about five minutes of me staring at the phone thinking that it will just magically turn into something actually edible.

"Paige, eat your dinner." Taylor says demandingly.

"Is this even food?" I ask with a disgust.

"Yes it is food, and it is good." Taylor says.

"What even is this?" I ask stabbing one of the green things in the bowl with my fork.

"Paige it's kale, it's good for you, it tastes good, if you must know it is called a Kale Rice Bowl." Taylor says bluntly again as Olivia jumps onto the table and comes to investigate my dinner, as Taylor is already done.

"Olivia clearly wants it more than me." I say through my teeth.

"What was that?" Taylor says sharply.

"Olivia clearly wants it more than me." I repeat for her to hear.

"She can't have it, if you don't want to eat it then don't eat it, we will go back to your room so I can watch you clean the mess you made, but you won't be eating until breakfast, I hope you know." Taylor says reaching her hand out to take my bowl.

I don't care how disgusting this may be I am too starving to have to wait until breakfast tomorrow morning.

So I deflect her hand and slowly but surely finish the dinner.

Once I finish trying to swallow this meal down, I drop my fork into the bowl.

Please say Taylor will never make these again

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