Chapter 2

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I started to hear a trembling voice.

"How are you doing? Its me David".

I scratched the back of my head thinking
"Who in the world is David?".

"Its me, David from college? We were best friends for crying out loud!".

"Ohh that David, the David who always picks on me when I go out especially on dates" I said to him.

I had the time to tease him but I knew something wasnt right. Him calling me isnt something that we do. Heck I dont even remember giving out my number to him. Nonetheless I confronted him.

"So whats the problem man? out of all the people that you are friends with why call me?".

"You know man, youre the calmest guy that I know. Also you're the dude that I can trust with my life. You know that. Even if your a self-centered prick sometimes" he answered.

I was surprised by his words. I was taken back to our college years at the university wherein we'd have sleepless nights just to finish the programs that we had to code. Damn good times.

"You're a prick!" I teasingly said to him.
"No but seriously. Whats up?"

He let out a huge sigh. It got me all worried. Did he kill a person? Steal? I dont know.

"I'm thinking about suicide man. Life has been rough to me since the university. I havent been able to find the THRILL of life. Im missing out on something, I dont know what but its killing me. Its been years sincr I felt this and today I tried to hang myself."

"Ho - - - - ly shit man! Where's you at? Imma come over. Lets talk this out. Dont do anything stupid anymore okay?"

"Yeah man. Remember the building I used to go to when I got all sad? I live here. The building name is The Code. Just tell the person at the desk that David Park wants to see you."

"Yeah man. Im on my way. Jeezus for a magna cum laude. You're doing an awefully stupid thing."

Grabbed my keys and headed out. Man what in the world is this guy up to? I mean, SUICIDE for pete's sake. He got into a big shot company, became the boss there. Whats the frickin' problem? He should have been happy. He was the rock of almost all of his friends and family. Its alarming to know that he's attempting something irreversible. Maybe he was used to being strong that when the time comes that he needed someone to be there for him, they brushed him off.

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