Chapter 5

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My life went on as though nothing had happened. I wonder what happened to David. I didn't hear from him after we met. I couldn't fathom to think that he would commit suicide. He's a really nice person. My days went back to their natural routine but something isn't really quite right. It feels like I'm missing out on something.

Is it life?

I have no wife or kids. I have been alone since graduation. I thought that if I worked solo I would go to become a really successful man. Well I was successful if only my first company wasn't so damn far away. I was really having fun with the company but my heart didn't feel right at that time. I guess I could say that I am successful but not contented. There are so many things I still want to do but I don't know how to do them.

"It's tiring"

"Too much work"

Goddamn. My mind is really slowing me down but I still want to reach my dream. I want to create a company of my own. Once I do that. My life will be complete.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm. "Damn!" I thought to myself. This is bad. It means I overslept. I should always wake up 15 or 20 minutes before my alarm rings. Its how I cope with my oversleeping problem during my college years.

''I still have to jog and code!"

Today is going to be a handful. It did not start out with my normal routine.

I got up and tried to make the most of my morning. I was 20 minutes late for my morning routine. I had to adjust for the first time in like, forever. I cut my jog short since the coding part of my morning was really important because its how i pay my day to day expenses.

My morning routine went through successfully without a hitch. I mean, other than me oversleeping and having to cut my jog short everything was fine. The programs that I was managing were fine and I only did a few fixes on the servers. I had the whole afternoon to myself again. I don't have anything to do until my phone suddenly rang. It was David. "Should I answer the phone or just ignore it?" I didn't know how to react. The phone rang about 5 minutes until it stopped. I was trying to gather my thoughts in those five minutes. Trying to see the bright side in all of this. If David really wants to be my partner and wants to start a company with me, wouldn't that be fine and beneficial for the both of us? Then again, the dude is suicidal for crying out loud. It would be a heavy bag to carry if I don't execute everything properly.

Minutes has passed since David called. Again, the phone rang but this time I didn't hesitate to pick it up. I had to pick it up, he might need someone to talk to. Knowing that he is in fact suicidal I had no other options but to pick it up.


I spoke in a soft but purposeful voice so that he would get to the point on the reason why he called me.

"Hey man, you busy? I thought maybe we could hang out and talk about that business of yours that you want to try out."

Spoken like a true business man that he is. He was forward and straight to the point just like I wanted. I was taken back though, it was too sudden since I was still gathering my thoughts on whether or not to try and start the company or just wait and see what will happen in the servers that I'm currently managing.

"Well I'm just about to finish what I'm doing right now actually. I haven't had anything to eat so what can you say about lunch? Let's say around 1:30 in the afternoon. You pick the place I'll be there."

I certainly wouldn't want to waste away my talents. So, I tried to make an opportunity mine. I would regret it if I didn't. Chance is already knocking at my door and I don't want to be the fool who doesn't open the door.

"Okay man, you got it. I too still have something to do right now. I'll have my assistant message you through my number. Also, don't worry about being late even if you come around 2 in the afternoon it would be fine since I have my work with me all the time. I'm the brand itself so I won't run out of things to do."

Well that was quite a shocker. I can't figure out if he is boasting or just trying to explain. Either ways I didn't react to it in a negative way and just said "Okay". I had other things to worry about, I don't want it to add to the list of things that are bothering my mind. A few moments later I received a text giving me the name of the place that we were going to meet up. "Tengoku no tabemono". It was a 4-star rating Japanese restaurant. I couldn't cancel since I let him pick the place. Again, I just replied with an "Okay".

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