Chapter One

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I shot out of bed at the sound of my alarm clock, turning it off and rolling out of bed to get dressed for work.

Since Joey Drew Studios shut down I had to work at a convenient store down the road from my apartment. Compared to the studio, the store was like the size of a pea!

I hated thinking about the studio because then I started to think about Sammy, it's been years since I last saw him that it was sad. Secretly I started to fall for him, I planned to give him a letter that told him of my true feelings about him but...He disappeared.

We agreed that every Saturday we'd hang out, even after the old studio shut down but the day you planned to tell him the truth he never turned up again. This caused me to get really upset and made you feel so hollow without him, so I decided to not talk about the studio ever again.

After getting dressed into my boring uniform, I headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. I sat at the small table in the middle of the old, squeeky wooden floor to eat my breakfast.

After about 15 minutes I got up, cleaned my dish and headed off to work. After arriving at the store I got to the back of the store to find out what I was doing today.

"Crap!" I thought as I looked at the planner that was plastered on the wall. I was on tills today, but I only have to work a few hours on it though. I sighed and went over to the tills to start my shift.

~~Time Skip~~

As I opened the door to my apartment, I saw a letter on the floor so I decided to pick it up. After turning the envelope, I saw the symptom of Bendy on the bottom right corner and the name 'Y/N' beside it in very familiar handwriting.

After recognising the handwriting I rushed to shut the door and hurriedly jumped onto the couch to open it.

"5 years, Joey. It took you 5 fucking years to write one letter to me?!" I thought as I read the letter.

The went as so:

"Dear Y/N,
Has it been 5 years since we last spoke? How time flies when you're busy, huh? I really had missed you and wanted to know if you'd consider coming back to the studio, many changes has happened since I had to fire my workers (sorry about that) and I'd like to show you something!

"Your old Pal and Boss, Joey Drew"

I jumped up for joy over the fact that I've been invited back to the studio! I then read through the letter again to see if there was a specific time or place to go there.

"Well it looks as though that I could go whenever I want, considering he mentioned nothing about a specific date or time." I thought as I placed the letter neatly onto my coffee table, I then ran to my calender to see what day's I had off, "Sweet!" I shouted as I saw that tomorrow was one of my days off. I jumped for joy again and ran to my bedroom to find my old uniform from when I worked at the studio.

"There it is!" I shouted as I reached into the old box that I pulled out from under my bed, the box contained all of my belongings from when I worked at the studio. I pulled it out with a prototype of a Bendy plushie on top of it; because I was one of the few close colleagues close to Joey, he gave me many things to test before being put onto shelves like pin badges, bows and of course, Bendy plushies.

The plush had a lot of dust on it, same with the old uniform. The uniform polo originally white but after time went on it was now a colour of yellow decay with old ink splatters on it, it also had a pocket on the left hand side of my chest with a Bendy badge on it. The trousers where black and had a belt with the belt buckle being the face of Bendy.

I looked back into the box to find a lanyard with the little slip of card saying: "Y/N, Deputy Director of the Story Board Department." I then found a black pen on my bed side table and on the top of the words "Deputy Director" I scribbled the word "Former" and placed it on the uniform that I then placed on the end of my bed. I looked down at the old Bendy plushie that sat on the floor, I picked it up and placed it on my bed next to the uniform and kissed its forehead.

As I walked out of the room towards my bathroom to take a shower, all I could think about was the chance to see my old friend, former coworker and crush Sammy. Thinking about him just gives me butterflies, I hoped that he remembered me.

After getting out of the shower I got into my snuggly PJs and had my dinner, when it got to about 11am I turned off the light in my living room and headed off to bed.

All I could think about was Sammy as I drifted off to sleep...

~~Dream Sequence~~

It's cold and damp, I couldn't move and I was panicking, "Where am I?!" I thought.

"Looks as though Sammy has been dragged back into the ink..." A very feminine voice spoke, softly and soothing.

"And Y/N?" Another voice asked, it must've belonged to an older man, well older then myself.

"Looks like the ink claimed her as well," The female sounded like she was putting on false sadness.

Then I heard the voices go quieter accompanied with the sound of footsteps going into the distance. Leaving me in the liquid that surrounded me.

Somehow I was able to turn my head and out of the darkness of my extreme clouded vision I could see a mask, a Bendy mask. This mask had a roughly looking hole where Bendy's mouth was on it and splatters of a thick black liquid all over it.

I tried to reach for it but my arms where unresponsive. Then my vision became black once again as a faint beeping noise could be heard, getting louder and louder...

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