Chapter Two

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Upon hearing the alarm clock that had awoken me from my bliss slumber, I threw it off my bed side table. As soon as I realized that I've done I got onto the floor to pick it up.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" I thought as I scrambled to the floor to see if it was broken, "Thank God!" I said as I found it in one piece.

After setting it back onto the small table, I then looked to the end of my bed to see my old uniform and lanyard and decided to put it on. After putting it on I found that the uniform was still very soft like the small Bendy plush that sits next to where the uniform was a few minutes ago. After twirling around Infront of the mirror in my room, I decided to go to the kitchen and make my self my favourite breakfast, F/b/f!!!

Soon as I made and ate my beautiful breakfast, I went to the living room to retrieve my boots, keys and wallet. I then hurriedly ran back to my bedroom to grab a black rucksack to put all of my things in and my little Bendy that still sat there at the end of my bed, before putting him in I kissed him on his little forehead and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I then took my backpack and headed for the exit, before leaving I looked at the letter from Joey that still resides on the coffee table. I picked it up and then carefully placed it into the bag and set off for the bus stop.

Waiting for almost 15 minutes for the bus, I got onto it, payed for my ticket and then headed for the seat at the end of the bus. Having my head rested a pon the icy glass, all I could think about was Sammy and how he used to pick me up from my flat to go to the studio in his black car.

~~Flash Back~~

"Morning Sammy!" I yelled as he climbed the stairs to my apartment.

"I...I see that you've woken up...early this... morning!" He panted as he was catching his breath from running up the stairs.

For the last week you've been late for work, sleeping in all because your alarm clock broke from you throwing it off your table too many times.

"All thanks to you for buying me another one, are you sure that you don't want me to pay you back?" I asked feeling bad for Sammy buying me a new alarm clock out of his own pay check.

"You don't have to thank me!" Sammy insisted, he new that I hated people buying things for me; it kinda makes me feel bad about it.

"Okay, let's go!" I yelled in excitement, I grabbed his arm and dragged him down the stairs to the entrance of my apartment building.

As we excited out of the crammed building, we found Sammy's car in the even more crammed car park and entered into the vehicle.

I loved going to work with him, we always told jokes and talked about how our lives have been since the last time we talked; which was last night when he dropped me off.

He always was so kind and gentle around me, treating me like I was more than a friend...

~~Flash Back End~~

I looked back from the window to the inside of the bus to see that it wasn't that crowded. Usually it would be a lot busier, there was only a few people who looked horribly normal.

After a while the bus stopped at my stop and so I left the bus and headed down the road to the studio.

As I walked through the sombre streets, I could swear that I heard the winter winds call to me; begging for me to turn around and head home. I shrugged it off and finally arrived at the old studio.

Unlike all of the other buildings around me, the studio had a long path to the entrance. It was separated from the other buildings and smelt of decaying ink. It was now the shade of a decaying brown with a mix of a worned yellow. Looking to the top of the building I saw the old sign that red 'Joey Drew Studios', the old cogs behind it was dormant and lifeless like my dreams of being a famous story righter or author.

I disregarded that depressing thought and walked up the squeeky wooden stairs to the entrance.

After opening the door, caughting me off guard I saw that the studio hadn't changed one bit; sure there where cobwebs everywhere and not a soul in sight but...It was odly normal. Well as normal as the studio is but instead of the white walls I used to know; they where yellow, the same yellow that my old uniform had turned to.

Walking down the hallway to the main area, I took a sharp right and followed another corridor until I found myself at the unholy room of the Ink Machine. It was huge! Bigger then I remembered! I looked around to see the power cells weren't in their respectable places.

"Sheep, Sheep, Sheep" I heard a voice from behind me, looking back to see no one was there, I saw on the wall was a tall shadow. This shadow looked as though it belonged to a man.

"Is anyone there?" I asked carefully as I slowly walked around the corner that led to the corridor that I just came from.

After looking around the corner there was nothing there, and the shadow on the wall disappeared, "Creepy" I said to myself as I decided to walk away from the large room and into the studio to see what's changed.

Turning another corner I saw a Bendy cut out in the middle of the floor, staring at me. "You weren't here before" I thought as I walked by the cut out. "Creepy!" I repeated to myself as I carried on.

While I continued on, the voice I heard before sounded familiar, VERY familiar. I shrugged it off but the fact that it reminded me of someone freaked me out, especially when I'm in a studio that shut down with no one in sight and I can hear voices.

I decided that it would be a good idea to find my old desk and see what they did with it after I left...

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