Chapter Five

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After eating my soup that Sammy graciously poured and handed to me. I felt a bit tired afterwards so I decided to go into the other room with the two beds.

I got into one of them and started to full asleep until something heavy sat onto my bed, I was Sammy.

"What is it Sammy?" I yawned as I looked up at him tiredly.

"We're going to have some visitors soon so I hope you don't mind me going out to find them?" He asked worriedly as he pulled up his mask to where his mouth should be and 'kissed' my forehead. I nodded and went off to sleep again.

Soon after I closed my I tired eyes, I felt Sammy's weight shift off my bed and heard the heavy door open and close.

I was alone...

I then fell into a comfortable and relaxing sleep, I didn't have a dream but if I did, it would be about Sammy and how lovingly he wrapped me in his tender arms.

Hours later I was woken up by someone shaking my body, as I opened my E/C eyes, I saw that it was Sammy.

"We have visitors," He whispered into my warm ear, "I'll see you in the main room."

After he left me, it only took me about 15 minutes to properly wake up and I stumbled to see that inside the main room was a man, older then me, and a Boris.

"Good..." I looked to the clock and tried to guess the time since it wasn't a digital clock, "...Afternoon?"

"Good afternoon Miss...Y/N?" The old man said as he greeted me and held out his hand. I didn't take it.

"Y/N, this is Henry; Henry, Y/N." Sammy said trying to introduce me to the man. For some reason I've felt like I've heard of him before Sammy explained to me before our meal.

I watched closely at the Boris that now sat on the chair Sammy mostly sat at. I looked to the old man again, for some reason he was indescribable like he was blank figure even though I could see him perfectly.

"So what do we do know?" I asked looking at the two men and wolf.

"We should continue onwards, find the Angels and get them to join us in our quest." Proposed Henry as he headed towards the door, Sammy picked up the axe with the wolf following close behind.

As we excited the safe house we continued down the corridor towards the elevator, "So...How do you know eachother?" I asked looking at the two men as we kept walking.

"Well... We've know eachother since he entered the studio and after a few cycles ago, I kinda broke out of repeating the same thing over again and after a while we became friends!" Sammy exclaimed as he explained.

"Yeah and ever since we've been trying to find a way out of here," Henry continued like he was finishing Sammy's explanation.

Afterwards we ran into a Butcher Gang member and then Boris went through the vent to open the door.

We walked until we reached Heavenly Toys, "Wow, this place is still here?!" I thought as we stopped.

"We should split up!" Henry suggested, "I'll go look for where Boris might have ended up, and Sammy you can take your girlfriend to look around."

I was blushing like hell when he said that, I decided to cover up my blush by putting my hands over my hot face.

Sammy saw this and turned around to Henry and said: "Hey, at least she's the most beautiful women in this building!"

This caused me to blush even more, then Sammy lifted up his mask again to kiss my hand which was covering my cheek.

"I'll call for you guys if I find something," Henry then advanced up the stairs of Heavenly Toys, leaving me and Sammy alone.

"Sammy! Why did you say that?!" I mound at him.

"What ain't I allowed to tell the truth?" This caught me off guard, causing me to take own my hands from my face and making myself face him; still blushing as his question,"N-no, you just embarrassed me!"

"I understand," He then picked me up and placed me on one of the couches so I was laying down, "So I'm going to embarrass you even more~" He purred into my ear.

He lifted up his mask once more and placed where his mouth should be onto mine, causing him to lay on top of me but also trying not to squish me.

My heart was racing as he kissed me with a little more passion, I was shocked. "Sammy... Kissing me?!" I thought as I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his inky neck.

He parted from my lips, "You don't know how long I've been wanting to tell you that... I've always had a thing for you, ever since we met all those years ago."

Then slowly he leaned his head to my ear and whispered, "And now you're all mine...And mine alone"

He made me speechless as he got off of me and sat on the end of the couch, "Would it help that I had a crush on you too?"

He then whipped his head towards me, pulling down his mask, "Really?"

"Yeah!" I replied and then as I sat up on the couch, he took me into his embrace once again for a long bear hug.

We sat there for a moment until our second passionate moment was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking, we looked at eachother and ran to where Henry had left too.

We entered the toy room and then we saw it led to a storage room and then to the recording studio of Alice Angel. We opened the door to see the glass shattered and Henry on the floor grasping for air.

"Henry!" I yelled as me and Sammy went to his aid.

"She's here!" Sammy announced as he looked to the corridor that branched off from the room.

"Sammy, let's wait until Henry has caught his breath! She must have given him a scare!" I shouted to Sammy before he even though of going down the hall.

"Okay babe," He teased as he decided to lean next to the wall nearest us and started to hum some song from the Bendy show.

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