Chapter Eight

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Getting onto the rickety old boat, we learnt quickly that the boat can only be operated by holding up the heavy switch. I volunteered to keep up the switch while Sammy made sure that no thick blobs of ink gets stuck on the back of the boat.

As we sailed along the inky river we found ourselves at a little dog where the other boat, Alice's boat, was parked. Suddenly a large cartoon hand rose from the inky river and destroyed the other boat that we saw before us.

Suddenly I pulled up the switch and made the boat go faster to keep our distance away from the hand. After going down the river a bit more we discovered that the hand was chasing us so the only way that it could catch up to us was the thick bits of ink that got stuck, so Sammy had to keep on watching the back making sure that the hand was keeping a fair distance away from us.

Before we knew it we found ourselves that the Lost Ones' City, he quickly explained who were the Lost Ones and how he encountered them while I was knocked out a few months ago.

After leaving the boat we met with some of the Lost Ones in the city, they offered us to live in one of the houses for a while because they saw that we were terrified after our brief encounter with the giant hand. They supplied us with a few bacon soup and set us down in the house. The house only contained a couple of beds, a table, a couple of chairs and a couple of paintings here and there.

After we were quickly settled down into the little City we made friends with a few of our 'neighbours', we also asked if they saw and Alice accompanied with a Boris with a robotic arm and another human, a few of the residents met Henry, Sammy and I when we were at Bendy Land but they can't remember if they saw an Angel and a Boris recently.

So until we encounter Alice again, me and Sammy decided that it would be best for us to stay in the city with the Lost Ones; thinking it would be nice to hang around with some people that wouldn't want to throw it into a cage and leave you there for a few months.

~~Time Skip~~

It's only been a few days since we've joined the little City at the end of the ink river, Sammy has really enjoyed staying here; he found a piano. I convinced a couple of the Lost ones to help us move it into a little 'home' so he could teach me how to play, like in the old days when the studio wasn't crowded with inky soles begging for freedom.

At the moment Sammy was playing the piano as I sat at the table playing solitaire with a deck of cards that I found on the floor near our 'home'.

I sighed thinking about the old days, oh how much fun me and Sammy had when we were younger; full of creativity and imagination.

"Are you alright?" He sounded very concerned at my sigh, he instantly stopped playing the piano and sat on the opposite chair from me.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about..." I trailed off in thought as I looked down at the cards that laid on the table, for some reason why I started to water at the thought of my parents.

"You really miss them, don't you?" He wiped away my tears as he came closer to me, sitting on my lap, "God he was heavy!" I thought.

I nodded and then...I broke down into tears, pushing my face against his inky chest. I cried so much that I thought that my tears was fusing into his body. All he could do was I stroke my hair and 'shhh' me, he reassured me that we were going to get out of here.

After a while my cries finally went down and my tears stopped, Sammy picked me up and put me on my bed. He was now on top of me like all the other times we made out while we were in the cell, he pulled up his mask like you did many times before and pressed my lips against the area of his face of where his lips were supposed to be.

When we were kissing we didn't realise that we were actually feeling each other's bodies, even tugging at the clothing that covered us. I immediately pulled away as he squeezed my butt, I was absolutely flustered thinking about all the things we could or might do.

"What's wrong?" He sounded concerned again at my sudden movement.

"I'm just not really sure about this," I whispered to him softly, loud enough for them to hear.

tell me was about to say something but then was interrupted by a knock at the door, a Lost Ones telling us that an Angel in the Boris has just entered the city with a human.

I got up from the bed, thanked the inky man and ran into the 'City's Square'. "Henry!" I screamed as I saw him.

Alison Boris look very surprised to see me and Sammy, who was now standing right behind me and holding my hand in his tight grasp.

"You're alive?!" The Angle sounded more shocked at the sight of us two.

"Well no thanks to you, we had to find another way out!" I let go of Sammy's hand and crossed my arms to show her that I was absolutely angry. Just like how Boris acted when we first met, breaking balls full of soup which made me and Sammy almost starve.

I then looked at the barras and snarls viciously at the thought of his actions towards us in the past.

"Y/N, Sammy do you know a way out of here?" Henry was holding an axe, looking forwards at us.

I looked to Sammy and nodded, "This way!" Sammy leading the three to a corridor that was boarded up, the only way to go down the corridor was to go down these boards that were placed, making a small path.

"You guys are coming too!" Alice commended, I shook my head and said, "No!"

"We need all the help we could get to the feet Bendy... And to set us free!" I didn't like how she phrased it but I remembered that I promised Sammy back a few weeks ago that I would free him from his inky body, and return with him to the world above.

I look to Sammy and then nodded my head, "I'll come with you..." He was so sweet when he acted all romantic.

before we left the city, we thanks the Lost Ones for having us and bid them farewell. They were so kind enough to even give me an Sammy weapons, we thank them once more and left for the corridor.

Me and Sammy decided to go first walking onto the boards, because of our weight combined we accidentally snapped one of the boards underneath us and we plummeted down and down into the dark abyss, hearing Alice screen our names as we fell further.

When we reach the bottom Sammy straight into the ink with me, I couldn't see what was going on because my vision started to go black as the pain of the fall creeped up my body very quickly. And then everything went to Black...



Upon hearing the alarm clock that had awoken me from my bliss slumber, I threw it off my bed side table. As soon as I realized that I've done I got onto the floor to pick it up.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" I thought as I scrambled to the floor to see if it was broken, "Thank God!" I said as I found it in one piece.

After setting it back onto the small table, I then looked to the end of my bed to see my old uniform and lanyard and decided to put it on. After putting it on I found that the uniform was still very soft like the small Bendy plush that sits next to where the uniform was a few minutes ago. After twirling around Infront of the mirror in my room, I decided to go to the kitchen and make my self my favourite breakfast, F/b/f!!!

Soon as I made and ate my beautiful breakfast, I went to the living room to retrieve my boots, keys and wallet. I then hurriedly ran back to my bedroom to grab a black rucksack to put all of my things in and my little Bendy that still sat there at the end of my bed, before putting him in I kissed him on his little forehead and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I then took my backpack and headed for the exit, before leaving I looked at the letter from Joey that still resides on the coffee table. I picked it up and then carefully placed it into the bag and set off for the bus stop.

As I my hand on the doorknob of my apartment door, I looked back into my living room and thought that I've done this before. I shook off that feeling because sometimes I had dreams, dreams that showed me glimpses of the future months back.

"Deja vu..." I thought to myself and then I open the door.

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