Chapter Seven

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"Where...Where am I?" I looked around at my surroundings to see that I'm in a tube, with the inside surrounded by moving ink. The ink moved like it was a living creature, slightly beating like a heart but no beating sounds could be heard.

To be honest, the only thing that I could hear was voices no stop talking. It sounded like it was Henry's voice but...I sounds a bit off.

I looked down the tunnel of ink to see a light, I slowly walked towards it cautiously and then when I got to the end...

I opened my eyes to see the mask of my love Sammy looking down at me as he stroked my hair.

"Sammy...? Where are we? What..." I tried to sit up but Sammy simply pushed me back down to rest my head upon his legs.

"Shhh, don't get up. You were out for a while, I was getting worried," He then continued to stroke my hair again, "...Look after the elevator crash we found ourselves near Bendy Land and wolf-less. So we decided to find a proper place for you to rest while Henry was trying to find and save Boris...And..."

Sammy gave off the impression that he was nervous, "Sammy, tell me what happened next."

"W-well..." Sammy stuttered, "Alice turned him into a beat, then we're found by another Angle and Boris with a robotic arm..."

I then got up quickly before Sammy could put me down again, I saw that we were in a cell with one bed. Henry was outside but on the other side of the bars we could see there was a big open area with a desk, a chair, a bucket of ink and paint brush on top of the desk. There was also a doorway on the left of the room that lead to another room but from where I was I couldn't see what was inside.

"Sammy..." I started to say but I quickly silence myself as Sammy interrupted, "The Boris and Alice locked us in here, Henry was put somewhere else."

I looked towards a door on the right of the room which looks like an exit, "Sammy maybe we-" "It won't work, I've tried everything but without a weapon, it's hopeless..."

I stared at him and then decided to sit next to him on the bed, we stayed silent for a moment until I asked, "Hey, are we alone?" I whispered.

"Yeah, they left about 15 minutes ago," Sammy whispered back, he was always good with time even though there isn't any clocks in the room.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, looking to him with mischievous eyes.

"Wanna make out?" He was very direct with this question, "Never thought you'd ask!"

I then quickly jumped on top of him, I pulled up his mask up and forcefully plunged my soft lips upon the area of his face where his mouth is supposed to be. This caused Sammy to be in shock for only a second and then when you realised what I have done he wrapped his muscular arms around my body and pulled me in into a passionate kiss.

We're at this for only a few minutes until Sammy got his arms to start working their way down my body, I could feel his hands go underneath my trousers and squeeze my ass.

"Sammy!" I yelled at him for making me feel flustered and embarrassed.

"It's not like anyone's here," He chuckled at my blushing face.

Before we could continue the door opened and there stood the Angel and the wolf. We quickly pulled the way nothing ever happened, the angel and the wolf just looked at us in confusion and then headed straight for the room to the left.

After they disappeared around the corner me and Sammy sighed in relief, I looked over to Sammy and put my hand on his thigh. He returned the gesture to wrap his left arm around my waist and then pulled me into another passionate kiss.

~~Time Skip~~

It's seems like it's been over a couple of months since we've been trapped in our now familiar cell, when Alice or Boris would ever leave the room to the room on the left or through the exit, me and Sammy would start making out or talking about more personal things. Hell, one time we almost went all the way! But Boris came in from the other room and we had to stop.

~~Time Skip~~

Panic. The Angle and Boris was panicking about the Ink Demon that was 'at their door'. In the rush they left us in the cell, not realising that Alice didn't ask for her 'Seeing Tool' back for me.

After they've left the safe house, I pulled on the spoon on the wall that opened a secret room inside the cell with a toilet inside. I opened the toilet cover to find a pipe, Sammy was shocked at what I did and how I know that was there.

"The Seeing Tool showed me this earlier," I explained.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?!" He shouted with absolute anger in his voice, I decided to give him the pipe,"Well I only got the tool a few days ago and I didn't want to tell you because I feared that they could hear me!"

He nodded and broke away the wooden boards which kept us from our freedom for the last few months.

I sighed at the fact that we're free and alone, we looked around and ate some soup quickly and headed through the exit.

Down a few corridors we found ourselves where they kept the boats near the river of ink. In the distance we could see Henry, Alice and Boris in one of the boats going forwards.

"We can't let them leave with Henry!" I told Sammy, we got the spare boat into the inky river and started to sail along the black sea.

Our main objective was to find Henry!

I hope...

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