'' What do you suppose the most irrational thing is? It's humanity.''
- Toto Sakigami
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Same nightmare again?
Yes. It's been happening for a while now.
I am standing on a field of white flowers, a woman is shaking my shoulders and screaming in my face.
You are not good enough. You'll never be good enough. I should've never given birth to you. Why can't you be more like Taeho? Why can't you just be a child that I would be proud of?
I've been trying so long to make that woman happy, but nothing seems to work. I am destroying myself to create the person that she wants me to be, but she is never satisfied. I could always be more.
Is there something wrong with her or am I really the one that should've never been born?
Then that woman disappears from the field of white flowers. Someone else comes up behind me. She covers my eyes and whispers in my ears.
I will save you. You will be free.
And I don't fight back. Not even when I feel a cold blade slicing my neck and my own blood splashes on the white flowers. I try to turn around to look at the face of the person that killed me, but there is no one there anymore. The world around me begins to disappear, dissolve in to nothingness and I am falling. I am falling through a dimension of nothing but white, until I fall, crash and splatter everywhere. The impact is so strong, that my brain flies out of my head. Someone puts it back and when I open my eyes again, I am somebody else.
I am Pino.
System restarting...
1% loaded...
6% loaded...
24% loaded...
I opened my eyes in a snap and sat up. My breathing was fast, my hands were trembling and in that moment all that I could think of was how thankful I was, to still be Pino.
I looked around the dark room and I quickly recognised where I was. I gently ran my fingers over the soft bed sheets and picked up the maths book that was laying on the nightstand. Memories of how I got to Byun Baekhyun's room were slowly coming back to me and it wasn't pretty.
The Pino system went out of control and stopped following orders. It was just like those futuristic robot movies that I often heard other students talking about. Now all that I had left to do was try to take over the world and destroy the human race.
I pushed myself off teacher Baekhyun's bed and carefully stood up. I took a few slow steps before my legs gave out on me and I collapsed back on the ground. I realised only then that I was covered with injuries and more images began to flash in my head. The principal of Aoyama academy leaning over me and stabbing me, Doctor telling me that it was time for me to get turned off, me running for my life and trying to get away from the laboratory as fast as I could. I thought it was over after my system began shutting down, but then someone saved me.