Chapter 5

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When the last class ended, I went to Matt's locker. He said it was locker 564. When I got there he was grabbing his stuff. When he shut his locker, that's when he noticed I was standing there.
"Hey." he said with a smile on his face.
"Hey. Where are we going?"
"You'll find out."
"Right now." he said as he took my hand.
We pulled me away. His hand in mine. We ran away together. We ran so far. When we finally stopped running we were at the soccer field.
"What are we doing here?"
"I may have asked couch to let me use the field for a couple hours."
"I don't know how to play."
"I'll teach you."
"I'm not even in the right clothes."
"You can play soccer in any type of clothes."
"Come on."
He took my hand and ran me over to a big circle. I had know idea why we were in a circle.
"Kick the ball."
"Kick the ball Lola."
So I did as he told me to do. I walked back with the ball and dribbled and I kicked the ball as hard as I could. It flew in the air, and went into the goal.
I turned to Matt whose face was in amazement.
"How did I do?" I asked.
"Better than I did my first time kicking a ball. Have you ever played?"
"Do you want to play?"
"I don't know."
"I think you should."
"I'll think about it."
"Look it's almost four we better get going."
"It's not even three-thirty."
"Lola, let's play a little longer."
We played a one on one game of soccer. To be honest I loved it. It made me happy. Also, I won. But I bet he was going easy on me. But I tripped him and I scored. He smiled the whole time. When we were done playing he went and cleaned himself up. While I waited I had an unwanted visitor.
Sarah came up to me.
"What are you doing on the soccer field nerd?"
"I came to play soccer."
"You play soccer?" she said in an annoyed voice.
"Then why are you here?'
"I guess you can say I was forced into it."
"By who?"
"By me."said Matt walking out of the boys locker room.
"Matt!" she said surprised.
"Why are you here Sarah?" he said annoyed.
"Why can't I be here?"
"Why would you want to be here?"
"I like soccer."
"Well then you can have the field."
"Excuse me?"
"You can stay I was just going to practice."
"Practice what?" I said under my breath. Matt laughed.
"What did you just say?" said Sarah as rude as ever.
"Sarah you can have the field we were just leaving." Matt said.
Before I knew it we were walking away. Heading home. When I looked at my phone the time read 4:00.
"Want to go get food?" he asked.
"Do we have time?"
"It's 4:00."
"I guess we can go eat."
"Great because I'm hungry."
We started walking to this old timey diner called The Flip. When we walked in all the workers started walking over to where we were standing.
"Welcome back Matt. Is this your friend?" one of the waiters said.
"Yes this is Lola."
"Well nice to meet you Lola. We all started to think that he didn't have any friends."
"Sorry Matt. What do you expect when you never bring friends here. Anyway seat yourselfs."
Matt and I sat in a booth, him on one side me on the other. When Ruby came back Matt ordered fries and two chocolate milkshake. Not long after the food arrived.
"So this is literally the best diner of all time." Matt explained.
"It seems you've been here a lot."
"Since I was a kid actually."
"Wow. You must love the food here."
"Try it for yourself."
He pushed the basket of french fries over toward me. I picked one up and ate it. It tasted amazing. Not like any regular fry.
"It's amazing."
"See. The shakes are even better."
When I tried the shake it was like chocolate exploded in my mouth. It was amazing. So good that words couldn't even explain. He must have saw the
Look on my face because soon after I tasted it he said, "Good?"
"Better than good."
We finished the fries and the shakes then headed home. Our houses were very close to The Flip which is great for both of us do to the fact that
I'm now obsessed. We walked to the door and mom was waiting for us in the kitchen. When she saw that we were home she came from behind the counter and shook his hand.
"It's nice to meet you Matt."
"It's nice to meet you too Mrs.Flinn."
"Please call me Sue."
We all ate dinner and then Matt left. He texted me soon after.
Matt-'I had a great time today. Thanks for inviting me.'
Lola-'Don't mention it. But how do you know my last name. I don't remember ever telling you.'
Matt-'I may have asked around.'
Lola-'So what's your last name?'
Matt-'Walker. Matt Walker.'
Lola-'Well then goodnight Matt Walker.'
Matt-'Goodnight Lola Flinn.'

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