Cambio Forma Part 34

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Bursting into violent purple flames but with a tints and ambers of Golden Yellow, Kyoko's weapon and her animal box transforms into a bladed Escrima Sticks.

"Koala di Nuvoloso Sole!"

Kyoko then charges toward the two remaining opponents. Mal blows a green fireball from her mouth toward the charging crazy Vongola girl. Kyoko just brushed off the flames not affect in the slightest. Uma backs Mal up with a slash from her pirate sword. Kyoko just ducks under the swinging sword, delivering a direct hit on Uma's stomach. Uma flew few feet away crashing on the group, knocked out with a burn and slash wounds from the flaming bladed Escrima Sticks.

"Uma!" Mal cries out, tears running down her face. Terrified by what was happening. This is how they thought it would end when the VK's entered the tournament. This was no longer a competitive battle but a one-side slaughter. What stands before her isn't an ordinary human, the being couldn't even be considered a human. A creature that no being should ever cross with and she and her friends must suffer the consequences.

Kyoko laughs maniacally, she brings the ends of weapons together. The flames on her weapons increased twice in size. The yellow flames slowly compresses into a ball of energy at the tips of the touching weapons. The violet flames increase in size as if it was supporting the yellow flames to grow into a bigger ball of energy. "You should curse your God for letting you and your friends meet me!" Kyoko smiles like a demon wearing a face of a young delicate maiden. "Sunshine Canon!" She shouts, throwing the energy ball at the terrified, miserable girl. The ball of energy blasts out like a huge laser canon, wiping out everything out of existence in it's path.

The blast was so bright and shining like sun, no one could keep their eyes open. Everyone ended up closing their eyes or shield their from the light to keep themselves from getting blind. Facing the blunt of blast and in her terrified state, Mal couldn't even make a sound as she was hit by the blast. Everything ended in a white silence.


"Your Highness, Your Highness!"

"Wa-what?" Everything was still a bit fuzzy, his vision still blurry. Yuuri couldn't comprehend what just happened just now.

"Your Highness, are you alright."

Yuuri turns his head toward the person calling to him. Vision still blurry but as he focuses on the person, his vision slowly clears. "Conrad?" Rubbing his eyes as he groans. "What happened?"


Hearing a familiar laugh, Yuuri turns his heard toward his Senpai. "Senpai?"

Yamamoto Takeshi laughs as Asari next to him chuckles. "Kyoko actually used Cononello and Ryōhei-senpai's canon!"

"Yes, but I believe that was her version of their canon, Yamamoto-san." Asari making an observation.

"Well you have to be physically be fit like Ryōhei-Senpai or well Cononello-san is a special case." Yamamoto gives a crooked smile.

Asari smiles in agreement. "Yes, using the cloud flames to help propagate her sun flames to make produce enough flames to perform the canon is impressive."

Yamamoto laughs. "She really is Ryōhei-senpai sister and Hibari-senpai's student." Asari agreeing joining in with the laughs.

"Huh?!?" Was the the only thing that came out of Yuuri's mouth.

"Your Highness!" Gunter calls out to his king, in panic and worry.

Yuuri turns to Gunter. "What's wrong, what happened?" He asks in concern.

"The... the last attack caused the referee to pass out, Your Highness!" Gunters answers. "We need you, Your Highness to announce the winners!"

"Oh." Yuuri couldn't process what was he was told, it took him few more seconds to understand. "Oh!" He exclaims, finally understanding the situation. He quickly stands up.

Everyone in the audience slowly were getting back up and getting a hold of themselves.

"Everyone!" Yuuri calls out to everyone at the tournament.

Everyone getting their bearings, hearing their king, they quickly turn their attention to him.

"Announcing the winners of this Round and moving on to the Finals." Yuuri announcing. "The winners are Team Vongola!"

The crowd screams out in joy and cheer from the amazing battle that they all just witness.

Yamamoto shouts out to his friend, down at the ruined battle field. "Good job Kyoko!" Kyoko just smiles up to him and waves in victory, while her opponent was charred and sizzling on the ground next her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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